"Good service & fast.PKNS Shah Alam immigration🖕🏽rude gile.jaga no giliran je kot.kite tau dh kurang dr 6 bln tamat tempoh la nk renew.Bole sound Cuba tgk passport mati bila2020 tu blm mati kn"
"Nice waffles"
· Liverpool, イギリス
8.4"House no b2-9-12 owner cerewet.. Dnt stay there..some more u can feel the house hv something scary"
アパート / マンション
· Cyberjaya, マレーシア
"If u car is clam.. Just break the clam..they cant take action on u in law..or just beat the guy who clam.expcaly the keling"
アパート / マンション
· Cyberjaya, マレーシア
"Service unifi mcm sial..slow mcm siput Babi.. Yg cepat payment je, lmbt bayar die call"
"Ade sape2 xpuas hati dgn security pm gua!"