1 更新されたスポット
1スポット Be Burger を含む
4 更新されたスポット
4スポット Café Santiago, Manhattn's Burgers, Ellis Gourmet Burger, Toukoul を含む
Gautam さんのリストGautam さんが作成したリストGautamさんがフォロー中のリスト
"Awesome hostel. Clean and Very well located. Knowledgeable and super helpful staff. 10 points."
"Try the hotdog. Just 2 euros and worth it. I think I was the first one to try it ever but it was good.."
"Awesome burgers.. Empire Cheeseburger + Brooklyn lager"
"Ellis special bacon is good"
"The ambience is great and staff is really friendly. And ofcourse the food is really awesome. Try lentil over here."
· Brussels, ベルギー王国