3 更新されたスポット
3スポット Costco Gasoline, Chili's Grill & Bar, Bristol Myers Squibb - Summit West Campus を含む
11 更新されたスポット
11スポット Life Storage, The Committed Pig, Auntie Anne's, Friendly's を含む
Alayna さんのリストAlayna さんが作成したリストAlaynaさんがフォロー中のリスト
"Go see A Hand Across the Bridge on 8/2/2018"
"Don't order any of the shakes from the 25 flavors of Summer at this Sonic. They charge extra for the "add-ins" despite it being in the menu description. None of the other Sonics in the region do that."
"Bayonne has the best corn dogs out of any Sonic in North Jersey."