Phillip B. • 6月 2, 2011Love the ham and brie croissant with soup (スープ).
Maggie P. • 3月 8, 2019Their sweet potato fry appetizer and sweet potato pad Thai is to die for!
Alex P. • 5月 22, 2012If its your first time the Beef Pho (フォー) or Ga Pho are great staples.
Brad M. • 11月 27, 2020Possibly the best breakfast (朝食) sandwich in town!!
Nate S. • 6月 3, 2019Best pecan pie (ペカンパイ) I’ve had in my life.
Deborah B. • 9月 14, 2019pork and ribs (ばら肉)
Bretta C. • 1月 12, 2014And you can't go wrong with a steak topped with fois gras (フォアグラ)!
Jacob K. • 12月 9, 2013Sorry but Drew is hands down the best bartender (バーテンダー) in Chucktown...
Aleah N. • 5月 1, 2017Come here to get a glass of wine and cuddle some adorable AND adoptable kitties. Great spot!
Kim R. • 10月 5, 2019Oysters (牡蠣) are obviously great and Fresh.
Carrie B. • 5月 22, 2017Back patio (屋外テラスあり) bar area is awesome wow
Chrystal P. • 6月 24, 2018Great cocktails (カクテル) and service!
Jill A. • 7月 13, 2014BBQ sandwich (サンドイッチ) and Philly sandwich was so good!
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