"One more thing.It's a highly male-dominated place@noon during lunch.So if ur a woman & feel uncomfy surrounded by male construction workers, then come 1/2 hour b4noon or aft 1pm(bt no chap fan aft 1!)"
"If u wanna eat the chap fan (mixed rice) for lunch, you'll have to be here btwn 11.30-12.30 or else no more already! Mixed rice runs out pretty fast. Noon is the busiest time."
"Sorry 6.30pm to 10pm hehe"
"Good beef bakuteh. Opened only from 6.30pm to 10.30pm."
"Mix the sauce wif d chillies, garlic & lemon given, then dip ur meat in it before bbqing it :) Yums! The sauce that drips down will make d soup tastier :)"
焼肉 / バーベキュー
· マレーシアクアラルンプール