Bence Sabján

Bence Sabján


born 1980 X punk-hardcore for life X party sober X vegetarian X graphic designer X love to travel

Budapest, Magyarország
  • 2 Tip
  • 94 フォロワー
  • 78 フォロー中
  • 19 個のリスト

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1 リスト作成 · 1 Tip
1 リスト作成
1 リスト作成
1 Tip
1 リスト作成
Rincón de la Victoria
1 リスト作成
1 リスト作成
1 リスト作成
1 リスト作成
Bence Sabján
50 更新されたスポット 3月 31, 2015
Places I consider cool or interesting and worth to visit. Where to spend time and some money. Plans for 4-5 days. Recommended for newbys and gifted youngsters. Sightseeing, records, sweets, veg food.
Bence Sabján
37 更新されたスポット 7月 1, 2020
Places I consider cool or interesting and worth to visit. Plans for a few days. Recommended for newbys and gifted youngsters. Sightseeing, veg food, desserts, record stores, fashion, chill
Bence Sabján
33 更新されたスポット 10月 24, 2021
Places I consider cool or interesting and worth to visit. Plans for a few days. Recommended for newbys and gifted youngsters. Sightseeing, veg food, desserts, record stores, fashion, chill
Bence Sabján
42 更新されたスポット 9月 12, 2013
Places I consider cool or interesting and worth to visit. Plans for a few days. Recommended for newbys and gifted youngsters. Sightseeing, veg food, desserts, fashion, chill
Bence Sabján
62 更新されたスポット 11月 5, 2021
Places I consider cool or interesting and worth to visit. Plans for a few days. Recommended for newbys and gifted youngsters. Sightseeing, record stores, veg food, desserts, fashion, chill
Bence Sabján
45 更新されたスポット 11月 11, 2021
Places I consider cool or interesting and worth to visit. Plans for a few days. Recommended for newbys and gifted youngsters. Sightseeing, veg food, desserts, fashion, chill
Bence さんのリストBence さんが作成したリストBenceさんがフォロー中のリスト
"Azonnal nyitotta a kaput."
Bence SabjánBence Sabján · 10月 14, 2013
自宅 (個人)
· ハンガリー共和国ブダペスト
"Foursquare Special won't work as the staff knows nothing about it. And they still have the sticker on the front door. Also had to ask the staff to turn on warm water in bathroom."
Bence SabjánBence Sabján · 8月 27, 2013
· ドイツ連邦共和国ベルリン