If you're still up for more, try ending the night at this dive bar featuring the fewest bankers in the area. Great people watching and cheap(ish) drinks.
If you can get the window seating here, then there's no reason to move along. Tons of afternoon sun. Not a big place either but definitely a relaxed one.
Easily the best beer bar in the West Village. Get there before rush hour and grab a coveted window table. Order a Sly Fox or any of their rotating seasonal brews and feed some dollars to the juke box.
The booths looking out at Hudson are probably my two favorite places in NYC. If you don't think "Use Me" is one of the most killer songs of all time, you probably don't belong here.
Сразу предупреждают, что у них не бывает ред булла (кто бы знал, почему?) и что карты не принимают. Но если вам нужен обыкновенный дайв - это неплохой вариант. На районе их и так почти нет.
Low keybar right across from The White Horse Tavern, even though I'm not drinking this year, i just remember they make really stiff drinks there... 続きを見る