Best Places to People Watch

1. The San Antonio River Walk

San Antonio River, サンアントニオ, TX
歩行者天国 · Alamo Plaza · 334個のヒントとレビュー

Daniel G.Daniel Grampa: Don't fall in!

NorthPark Center is one of Best Places to People Watch.

2. NorthPark Center

8687 N Central Expy (btwn W. Northwest Hwy. & Park Ln.), ダラス, TX
ショッピングモール · 185個のヒントとレビュー

LogoTVLogoTV: When a regular pair of boots just won’t do, order a pair of custom made boots and choose from more shirts and hats than you can shake a stick at. Cowboy up and hit the town. Heaven! –Levi, The A-List:

Dudley's On Short is one of Best Places to People Watch.

3. Dudley's On Short

259 W Short St, レキシントン, KY
アメリカ料理店 · 23個のヒントとレビュー

Elizabeth S.Elizabeth S: Save room for dessert!

Coral Square is one of Best Places to People Watch.

4. Coral Square

9469 W Atlantic Blvd (Riverside Dr.), コーラルスプリングス, FL
ショッピングモール · 38個のヒントとレビュー

Dina S.Dina S.: Only place in mall that has green Bay Packer attire. "Lids". Pretty good prices too!

5. デンバー国際空港 (DEN)

(Denver International Airport)
8500 Pena Blvd, デンバー, CO
国際空港 · Denver International Airport · 2671個のヒントとレビュー

ColoradoColorado: DIA's tent-like structure was designed to mimic the shape of the Rocky Mountains.

South Broadway is one of Best Places to People Watch.

6. South Broadway

道路 · Central Denver · Tipまたはレビューなし
Marie et Cie. is one of Best Places to People Watch.

7. Marie et Cie.

11704 Riverside Dr (at Colfax Ave.), Valley Village, CA
コーヒーショップ · 28個のヒントとレビュー

Gabe R.Gabe Rodino: Great original place to hang out for coffee, tea, lunches and more. If you're tired of chain coffee shops, this place is for you.

Whole Foods Market is one of Best Places to People Watch.

8. Whole Foods Market

525 N Lamar Blvd (btwn W 5th & 6th), オースティン, TX
食料品店 · Downtown Austin · 403個のヒントとレビュー

Whole Foods MarketWhole Foods Market: Kick back with a coffee/smoothie/gelato and enjoy that people watching!

9. Heritage Mall

2255 Clay St SE, オールバニ, OR
ショッピングモール · 8個のヒントとレビュー

Ben A.Ben Abbott: Ross, foot locker, and zumiez are my fav stores. Big town hero is the best food here.