Art Cities - Oderzo
Piazza Grande is one of Art Cities - Oderzo.

1. Piazza Grande

Piazza Grande, Oderzo, Veneto
広場 · 3個のヒントとレビュー

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: It faces the Renaissance Cathedral, and is one of the most famous squares in Veneto. Enjoy the marvellous views of the mountains in distance!

2. Torresin

piazza Grande, Oderzo, Veneto
史跡と保護遺跡 · 1件の Tip

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: The gothic clock tower called "Torresin" is the town's symbol, which stands a the Southern Gate of the former Medieval ramparts and reuses one of the towers from the original city wall.

Palazzo Foscolo is one of Art Cities - Oderzo.

3. Palazzo Foscolo

Via Garibaldi, Oderzo, Veneto
歴史博物館 · 3個のヒントとレビュー

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: It hosts the Oderzo Archaeological Museum, opened in 1876, where the most oustanding archaeological heritage of the town is displayed. info

Palazzo Foscolo is one of Art Cities - Oderzo.

4. Palazzo Foscolo

Via Garibaldi, Oderzo, Veneto
歴史博物館 · 3個のヒントとレビュー

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: A late 16th century dwelling with the typical features of a Venetian Villa. It houses the Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery (GF) and the Alberto Martini Gallery (2F)

Biblioteca Civica di Oderzo is one of Art Cities - Oderzo.

5. Biblioteca Civica di Oderzo

Via Garibaldi, 80, Oderzo, Veneto
図書館 · 3個のヒントとレビュー

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: Local documents from past to modern times are carefully collected, forming a precious heritage.It contains 2 archives: Historical and Eno Bellis Records. Indo

6. Piazza Del Foro Romano

Piazza Foro Romano, Oderzo, Oderzo, Veneto
イベントスペース · 1件の Tip

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: One of the open-air archaeological site around town. This is the old Roman Forum area, and contains the remains of a Forum of the Earlier Roman Imperial Age and of a big domus (house)

7. Via dei Mosaici

via dei Mosaici, Oderzo, Veneto
史跡と保護遺跡 · 1件の Tip

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: One of the open-air archaeological sites scattered around the town. In the area of Via dei mosaici you can see the lower part of two wells and a mosaic paving of a noble dwelling

8. Museo di Apicoltura

Via Sgardoleri, 3/A Località Magera, Oderzo, Veneto
博物館 · Tipまたはレビューなし

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: The First Public Museum of Bee keeping in Italy. Info: +39 0422815459

9. IAT - Tourist Information Office

Calle Opitergium, 5, Oderzo, Veneto
観光案内所 · 1件の Tip

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: Opening hours: Wen - Sat 9,30-12,30, Fri-Sat 9.30 -12.30, 15-18 Mail:

Duomo di Oderzo is one of Art Cities - Oderzo.

10. Duomo di Oderzo

Piazza Grande
教会 · 1件の Tip

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: The late-Gothic cathedral presents a Renaissance-styled gate. Inside there is a single nave with an elevated altar decorated with works of art by Pomponio Amalteo and Palma il Giovane.

Oderzo is one of Art Cities - Oderzo.

11. Oderzo

Oderzo, Veneto
史跡と保護遺跡 · 5個のヒントとレビュー

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: Archaeological Town.The old Opitergium was an important economic and administrative centre during the ancient Veneto and Roman ages, originates from 10th century BC

12. Oderzo

Oderzo, Veneto
史跡と保護遺跡 · 5個のヒントとレビュー

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: Two major events took place here every year: Opitergium, a fascinating historical re-enactment of the Roman Age, and Opera Festival, a stunning schedule of musical shows.