Valerie Seckler: Skip shishito peppers this week. I had a bitter, soapy tasting batch, 7/12. When asked for an alternative, the manager called me "spiteful" & claimed they were "perfect." So much for my rave reviews.
415 W 13th St (btwn 9th Ave & Washington St), ニューヨーク市, NY
美容院 · Meatpacking District · 66個のヒントとレビュー
Valerie Seckler: Coffee hounds be sure to try a cup of the lively J. King "Mountain Grown" brew, one of the beverages that comes gratis with an appointment.
Valerie Seckler: Good sight lines abound in field, main and terrace levels. Seats behind the plate, primo for ballgames, work well enough for concerts like Madonna's larger than life, MDNA tour stop.
Valerie Seckler: Good sight lines abound in field, main and terrace levels. Seats behind the plate, primo for ballgames, work well enough for concerts like Madonna's larger than life, MDNA tour stop.
Valerie Seckler: Good sight lines abound in field, main and terrace levels. Seats behind the plate, primo for ballgames, work well enough for concerts like Madonna's larger than life, MDNA tour stop.
Valerie Seckler: Good sight lines abound in field, main and terrace levels. Seats behind the plate, primo for ballgames, work well enough for concerts like Madonna's larger than life, MDNA tour stop.
Valerie Seckler: Good sight lines abound in field, main and terrace levels. Seats behind the plate, primo for ballgames, work well enough for concerts like Madonna's larger than life, MDNA tour stop.