Woody's Roadhouse is one of 4sqSeattleさんの保存済みスポット.

1. Woody's Roadhouse

105 Academy St, Farmingdale, NJ
スポーツバー · 29個のヒントとレビュー

4sqSeattle4sqSeattle: Try the Avocado And Blackened Fish Salad

Departure is one of 4sqSeattleさんの保存済みスポット.

2. Departure

525 SW Morrison St, ポートランド, OR
アジア料理店 · 124個のヒントとレビュー
Bourbon House is one of 4sqSeattleさんの保存済みスポット.

3. Bourbon House

144 Bourbon St (at Iberville St.), ニューオーリンズ, LA
シーフードレストラン · Central Business District · 206個のヒントとレビュー

Dianne B.Dianne Bengtson: Seafoof Gumbo was the best I had on the whole trip. Stuffed crab is sensational. Paneed Veal to die for. Chocolate bread pudding served with bourbon sauce is beyond description. I'll be back!

The French Laundry is one of 4sqSeattleさんの保存済みスポット.

4. The French Laundry

6640 Washington St (at Creek St), Yountville, CA
フランス料理店 · 119個のヒントとレビュー

BravoBravo: The setting is serene, the food very sophisticated & delicious, the service of outmost grandeur. Overall it's a very unique experience from a very caring team guided by one of the world's leading chef