Dusk Till Dawn is one of Nightclub.

1. Dusk Till Dawn

76-84 Jaffe Rd, 灣仔, 灣仔區
ナイトクラブ · 23個のヒントとレビュー

Andrea M.Andrea Monni: This place is a sure bet any day of week: great live music and good crowd. You cannot go wrong with this place!

The Tonno is one of Nightclub.

2. The Tonno

1/F, Tonnochy Towers, 5 Tonnochy Rd, 灣仔, 灣仔區
ナイトクラブ · 3個のヒントとレビュー

Daniel M.Daniel McCoy: On of my favorite spots in HK- great staff and 2 for 1 happy hour 🍸🍸

Typhoon is one of Nightclub.

3. Typhoon

37-39 Lockhart Rd (at Fenwick St), 灣仔, 灣仔區
バー · 11個のヒントとレビュー

Peer Arno S.Peer Arno Schmidt: Best chicken wings in Hong Kong, go for it!

Amazonia is one of Nightclub.

4. Amazonia

G/F-2/F, Empireland Commercial Centre, 81-85 Lockhart Rd, 灣仔, 灣仔區
ライブハウス · 33個のヒントとレビュー

Rusty T.Rusty Thomas: Really great music!!! Come early and get a seat.

Swindlers is one of Nightclub.

5. Swindlers

音楽関係 · 中西区 · 5個のヒントとレビュー

Frank I.Frank Illner: New live band really awesome. Below and above and Impulz from the Cavern

Zephyrs Music Conservatoire is one of Nightclub.

6. Zephyrs Music Conservatoire

10th Floor, King's Commercial Centre, 25 King's Road, 天后
音楽関係 · 1件の Tip

Poh W.Poh Wee: Where music is fun and exciting.