1. 寒霞渓瀬戸内海展望
B: Great view and a good photo opportunity
2. 寒霞渓 山頂
B: Great panoramic view
3. 東京スカイツリー
B: Great view. Souvenir shop and shopping malls nearby
4. 代官山 蔦屋書店
B: Famous local bookstore chain. Trendy and probably still worth a visit even if you don’t know Japanese
5. すし太一
B: Michelin recommended sushi place in a residential area run by a friendly couple serving good quality food
B: Coffee shop from Norway, one of the branches in Tokyo
7. 明治神宮
B: Must-visit tourist attraction
8. 明治神宮御苑
B: Beautiful garden and shrine
9. Bird Land
B: Yakitori - grilled chicken Japanese way
10. BEAMS Japan
B: The place to shop for style and products locally made in different prefectures.
11. 新宿御苑
B: Great park/ garden to admire the beauty of nature in this big city
12. 銀座 風見
13. 刀剣博物館
B: All you need to know about the Japanese swords
14. ポンチ軒
B: Fried pork cutlets, sliced cabbage and rice
15. timeworn clothing
B: Timeless workwear
16. Onibus Coffee
B: Good coffee and space
17. 八雲
B: Braised pork, wonton and thin noodles
18. helvetica hair
B: Friendly staff with great skills
19. The Roastery by Nozy Coffee
B: Good coffee and irresistible New York rings
B: The ‘place’ for menswear. Often featured in magazines such as clutch and lightning
21. 表参道
B: Walk on it to see and be seen
22. 青山
B: Great neighbourhood to just wander around
23. 東京駅
B: Focus on where you are heading; otherwise, you may get lost.
24. 恵比寿
25. 東急プラザ銀座
B: Shopping centre for good quality brands
26. 銀座いわ
B: Nigiri omakase and sake
27. 銀座駅
B: This is Ginza
28. 今福
B: Beef cooked in a shallow pot - sukiyaki
29. Piccadilly Arcade
B: One of the few nice parts in town
30. 無印良品
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