Bombay Bistro - South Lamar is one of Richardさんのお気に入りスポット.

1. Bombay Bistro - South Lamar

4200 S Lamar Blvd Ste 300, オースティン, TX
インド料理店 · Barton Hills · 30個のヒントとレビュー

Richard K.Richard Kline: Lunch buffet is fantastic! Service is always friendly and able to explain offerings. Been for dinner a few times as well. One of our favorite restaurants in Austin.

2. The Staging Guy

7310 Manchaca Rd, オースティン, TX
デザインスタジオ · 1件の Tip

Richard K.Richard Kline: Richard Kline, ASP, The Staging Guy, serves the greater Austin area. Richard understands what potential homebuyers want and can skillfully transform your house into a must-have property.