Saffron Thai Restaurant is one of Scottさんのお気に入りスポット.

1. Saffron Thai Restaurant

Terminal 2 (SAN Airport), サンディエゴ, CA
アジア料理店 · Midway District · 11個のヒントとレビュー

Scott P.Scott Pactor: out of towners! don't pass up the pre packaged salad rolls in the pre made case: best airport meal of all time, tofu, shrimp or chicken. you will not regret the choice.

Influx Cafe is one of Scottさんのお気に入りスポット.

2. Influx Cafe

1948 Broadway (at 22nd St), サンディエゴ, CA
カフェ · Golden Hill · 45個のヒントとレビュー

Scott P.Scott Pactor: Ima be mayor up in here.