1. Latin Cafe 2000
2. South Beach
3. El Rey De Las Fritas
4. Azucar Ice Cream Company
5. Ball & Chain Miami
Tim Backus: Very original cocktails: the Calle Ocho Old Fashioned includes tobacco bitters and is garnished with a tobacco leaf!
6. Madison Square Tavern
7. Wings Over Farmingdale
8. Turntable Chicken Jazz
9. Mad. Sq. Eats
10. The Delancey
11. Massapequa Diner
Tim Backus: The Oreo pancakes are outstanding
12. チェルシーマーケット
13. The Otheroom
14. Nautilus Diner & Restaurant
Tim Backus: Standard diner fare, except better.
15. Infinity Diner
Tim Backus: The salads are enormous. One fed my entire family for a week.
16. リンカーン記念館
17. ベトナム戦争戦没者慰霊碑
18. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial
19. ワシントン記念塔
20. World War II Memorial
21. Captain Cookie and the Milkman
Tim Backus: Can't go wrong with milk and cookies.
22. George Washington University Hospital
23. GWU ER
24. Ford's Theatre
25. ユニオン駅
26. Red Apron Butchery
27. The Partisan
28. Renwick Gallery
29. National Archives and Records Administration
30. Central Michel Richard
Tim Backus: Wonderful service, interesting food, and save room for dessert
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