"Bicep curls 15db 3x12,8Seated rows 60 2x12Bench press 30db 3x12Triceps extensions 12db 3x12Pull ups 3x5 reps Lower BodyLied leg curls 60 2x12 Seated Adductors 70 3x12 Seared Abductor 60 3x12"
· Sherman Oaks, アメリカ合衆国
7.6"It's not about the the quality of the equipment is about the quality of your workout! Thank you very much! :) RTT"
"When traveling be considerate. Shower, dress well, smell good, be patience, BE KIND and smile. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! :)"
"Da badasssst gym 'eva!!! Home sweet home :)"
· North Hollywood, アメリカ合衆国
7.8"Very, super sloooooooow!!!!! Really? I don't even know where the help went... The closet to eat a fat burger? Geeeeezzzz"
"Great view. But fish is cooked well done. Make sure to ask a bit under cook. Great service! :)"
· West End, ホンジュラス共和国