"Now I love Ice cream as much as the next person. By font order a Root Beer float unless you want a few drops of soda and ALL ice cream! :/ SMH"
"If you can finish your breakfast in ONE sitting... You've got a helluva appetite!"
"Do yourself a favor: Order more cornbread than you plan on eating. You won't regret it!"
焼肉 / バーベキュー
· アメリカ合衆国ロサンゼルス
8.6"Use the PANIC button on your remote to find your car. It'll bother NO ONE. Promise..."
"Place is surprisingly pretty clean. Poo at your own risk though... Still a pub restroom. Ack"
· Newberry Springs, アメリカ合衆国
6.1"Check to make sure they're giving you a fresh pretzel. They like to just sit there and let me chill. When they're fresh, they're great though!"