Favorite place for tea time. Everything there is perfect: ice cream, cake, chocolate, tea, customer service. Customer can get voucher from staff for online chocolate ordering when check out
Very lux and fancy. My hot chocolate was Granada with Cream, it has too much sugar. I also ordered motzart tart, it was delicious. Staff are very kind and professional. And this view to Deutsche Dom..
Hem alışveriş yapabileceğiniz hem de yan tarafta sıcak çikolata, kahve vs içebileceğiniz bir mekan. İçerde envai çeşit çikolatanın yanı sıra Berlin'deki tarihi yapıların çikolatadanheykelleri de var.
Chocolate heaven! They have great cakes in the cafe upstairs. I would suggest going in just to check out the huge chocolate sculptures even if you are not going to buy anything.
Unfassbar gute Schokolade, tolle Variationen und das aus nachhaltigem und fairem Anbau! Damit kann man jedem und sich selber immer eine tolle Freude machen
Sin duda es un paraíso para los amantes del chocolate. Difícil escoger entre tanta variedad. Las reproducciones en chocolate de los monumentos de Berlín son sensacionales
Inside the Almond, Nut and Caramel Symphony (caramelmousse with almonds and nuts in caramel creme on a sponge cake covered in chocolate) - at the Schokoladen Cafe
Sıcak çikolatanın tadı harika! Yanında bir parça paketli çikolata da veriyorlar. İki kakao oranı var, ikisi de lezzetli. İçerden damlaçikolata halinde alıp evde de yapabilirsiniz.
Must see in Berlin. Discover huge chocolate models of Berlin’s favorite landmarks, discover 300 flavors of chocolate and have some peppermint hot chocolate
A chocolate mecca! HUGE place w/ amazing collection of chocolate. VERY cool chocolate sculptures & nice upstairs cafe with an obvious chocolate heavy menu (recommend for an afternoon sweet tooth fix)
big makets of historical places in berlin,made by chocolate!!drinking iat its cafe gives you a taste that you would understand what you had before in the name of chocolate before,was so wrong!!
One of the best places to buy good chocolate in Berlin. The Gendarmenmakt store has great window displays and a very wide selection of chocolate of all sorts. Wonderful at Christmastime!
Even if you'll lose your self in their boutique where you'd like to eat and buy everything don't forget to take your break in their restaurant which is just upstairs !!
Incredible selection. Tastes a lot like Lindt. Try the restaurant upstairs - had sea bass and white chocolate... Very interesting and sweet but tasty. Good for presents to take home!
Super fun to check out. The nice stuff is quite expensive, but you can sample some of their varieties in small bars for just 20 cents. Good to get corporate presents and to take to fancydinners.
The beat hot chocolate in town, the restaurant as well serves special dishes all inspired by chocolate and still good; a must for chocolate lovers but not only.
A bit of a tourist spot but you need to try at least once their delicious hot chocolates. The little cakes are also good. Prices are decent and service is very fast.
I am not even big on chocolate but I was well-impressed by this place. I am sure EVERYONE will find something they'll like except they're allergic to chocolate or anything like that. 😊
This place is ENORMOUS! Lots of delicious chocolate goodies to choose from. You can buy pre-packaged sets or buy treats of your choosing, by the pound.