BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse is one of Pradeepさんのお気に入りスポット.

1. BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse

9237 Laguna Springs Dr (at Laguna Blvd), エルクグローブ, CA
アメリカ料理店 · 57個のヒントとレビュー

Pradeep G.Pradeep G: Avacado egg roll taste excellent here

Thai Chili is one of Pradeepさんのお気に入りスポット.

2. Thai Chili

8696 Elk Grove Blvd #5 (btwn Elk Ridge Way & Emerald Oak Dr), エルクグローブ, CA
タイ料理店 · 27個のヒントとレビュー

Pradeep G.Pradeep G: I was here accidentally on my way to 99 and was so amazed with the food. Appetizers were excellent and soup with mushroom was yummy yummy  I definitely rate this restaurant 5/5 *****