Stay Away!
Delta Expresso is one of Stay Away!.

1. Delta Expresso

Praça do Patriarca, 66 (R. São Bento), サンパウロ, SP
カフェ · Sé · 4個のヒントとレビュー
Prespizza is one of Stay Away!.

2. Prespizza

R. Saint-hilaire - Jardim Paulista, São Paulo, 01423-040, サンパウロ, SP
ピッツェリア · Jardim Paulista · 1件の Tip

MonicaMonica: Pizza ok, um pouco overpriced. Carta de vinhos com as safras todas erradas, brasileiro tem o péssimo hábito de trazer uma safra 2012 e vender como 2010.

Restaurante Bancário is one of Stay Away!.

3. Restaurante Bancário

R. da Quitanda, 84 (Largo do Café, 12), サンパウロ, SP
ブラジル料理店 · Sé · 111個のヒントとレビュー
Klabin Empório dos Pães is one of Stay Away!.

4. Klabin Empório dos Pães

R. Rousseau, 34 (R. Rodrigo Vieira), サンパウロ, SP
パン屋 · Vila Mariana · 319個のヒントとレビュー
H3 New Hamburgology is one of Stay Away!.

5. H3 New Hamburgology

Shopping Vila Olímpia (4° Piso, Loja 512A), サンパウロ, SP
ハンバーガーレストラン · Vila Olímpia · 133個のヒントとレビュー
Mediterrâneo Sapore d'Italia is one of Stay Away!.

6. Mediterrâneo Sapore d'Italia

Av. Borges de Medeiros (Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas), リオデジャネイロ, RJ
地中海料理店 · Lagoa · 8個のヒントとレビュー

Denise V.Denise Villen: Péssimo! Comida ruim e cara.

Tollocos is one of Stay Away!.

7. Tollocos

R. Augusta, 1524 (R. Luis Coelho), サンパウロ, SP
メキシコ料理店 · Baixo Augusta · 359個のヒントとレビュー

Sandra S.Sandra Segato: O q aconteceu? Um dos melhores burritos que eu já tinha comido se transformou em um bolotinha gelada, com bacon duro e cheia de pimenta que eu não pedi! :S

Sushi Leblon is one of Stay Away!.

8. Sushi Leblon

R. Dias Ferreira, 256, リオデジャネイロ, RJ
寿司屋 · Leblon · 267個のヒントとレビュー
Burger King is one of Stay Away!.

9. Burger King

Shopping Pátio Paulista (Piso Maestro Cardim), サンパウロ, SP
ファーストフード店 · Avenida Paulista · 85個のヒントとレビュー
Bis Bar Cafe is one of Stay Away!.

10. Bis Bar Cafe

Av. Moaci, 304 (Rua Maicuru), サンパウロ, SP
カフェ · Moema · 25個のヒントとレビュー
Padaria Santa Tereza is one of Stay Away!.

11. Padaria Santa Tereza

Pç. Dr. João Mendes, 150, サンパウロ, SP
パン屋 · Sé · 240個のヒントとレビュー
Yabany is one of Stay Away!.

12. Yabany

R. Prof. Atílio Innocenti 53, サンパウロ, SP
和食店 · Itaim Bibi · 133個のヒントとレビュー
Merkado Show is one of Stay Away!.

13. Merkado Show

Av. Eng. Luís Carlos Berrini, 583, サンパウロ, SP
ガストロパブ · Itaim Bibi · 11個のヒントとレビュー
Bocablo is one of Stay Away!.

14. Bocablo

Calle Gran Vía, 11, マドリード市, コムニダ・デ・マドリッド
ホテルのバー · Cortes · 6個のヒントとレビュー

MonicaMonica: Disappointing because they show a Hendrick and recipes in the front but inside there's nothing beyond gin tonic with Tanqueray. I asked if they had some drink with gin and they just ignored me.

Makkila is one of Stay Away!.

15. Makkila

Calle fernando VI, 2, マドリード市, コムニダ・デ・マドリッド
スペイン料理店 · Chueca · 34個のヒントとレビュー

MonicaMonica: Arrived at 8 PM just to have a drink, the place was empty and they didn't let me sit on the sofa because it was reserved for 9 or after. Better go to Areia bar!

Amici am Gendarmenmarkt is one of Stay Away!.

16. Amici am Gendarmenmarkt

Jägerstr. 56 (Markgrafenstr.), ベルリン, ベルリン
イタリア料理店 · Gendarmenmarkt · 27個のヒントとレビュー

MonicaMonica: Terrible service. We asked for a coffee and the waiter said it was on the menu, but it was the food menu.