12 更新されたスポット
12スポット Anina אנינה מטבח איטלקי, Delicatessen, pure white, AM:PM を含む
Michal さんのリストMichal さんが作成したリストMichalさんがフォロー中のリスト
"A beautiful place, with a real sense of Art Deco. But the food wasn't as good and it felt like a tourist's trap."
"Wonderful breakfast and in a reasonable price. Great Apricot jam"
"חומוס טוב אבל שאר הסלטים לא מאד טריים, לפחות לא באמצע השבוע"
"There's a Baggage deposit place in the arrival floor. It's 10SF per day and they accept cash only!"
"Very capable shoe repair artists"
"Tanya is an artist with colors and highlighs. And both Eli and Morris cut hair professionally and stylish"