1 更新されたスポット
1スポット Westchester Broadway Theatre を含む
7 更新されたスポット
7スポット Bulldog Tattoo & Piercing, Crunch, Marcello's Pizza, Giant を含む
Marc さんのリストMarc さんが作成したリストMarcさんがフォロー中のリスト
"Tony is the man. I had 5 tats done in a couple week. That guy has mad skills"
"Best date I've ever had"
"Not a day goes by that I don't miss Digitas terribly."
"There is no one like him. I exhibit a lot of crazy when going to the dentist and after 25 years I have found one that actually helps me through it and genuinely cares. Quite rare in this day and age!"
"JP better sleep with one eye open!"