1. Briar Patch
2. Pandora - The World of Avatar
3. Satu'li Canteen
Lindsaye: The cheeseburger buns here were surprisingly delicious!
4. スター・ウォーズ:ギャラクティック・スペクタキュラー
Lindsaye: Amazing night time show
5. The Ganachery
Lindsaye: Beautiful chocolates. Super expensive
6. Pop Gallery
7. Capt. Cook's
Lindsaye: Great food with a Polynesian flair
8. The Muppets Present...Great Moments in American History
9. Prince Eric's Village Market
Lindsaye: The 3 piece chicken meal here is a gem!
10. Space Mountain
11. Lost And Found
Lindsaye: Dropped my keys in the Navi river in pandora.. they found them 2 days later! Incredible!
12. Hollywood Studios Bus Stop
Lindsaye: Don’t let the numbers of the bus stop fool you. Pop century is #1 but the furthest walk imaginable.
13. ウォルト・ディズニー・ワールド・リゾート
14. Once Upon A Toy
Lindsaye: Has all disney toys here. No longer sells mr potato head parts individually. :(
15. Tomorrowland
Lindsaye: Look for Tom Morrow here
16. Big Y World Class Market
17. CNBC News Hartford - BDL
Lindsaye: Hopefully you don’t have to buy anything here - super expensive
18. Mickey and Minnie Starring in Red Carpet Dreams
Lindsaye: Come early in the am- no line!
19. Disney TAG
20. Disney's Days of Christmas
Lindsaye: Look carefully. You are underneath a Christmas tree.
21. Guest Relations & Will Call Window
Lindsaye: Good place to get your party tickets days before your event.
22. Dunkin'
23. McDonald's
24. Apple New Haven
25. Saint Lawrence Cemetery
26. R2D2 Mailbox
27. L'Occitane en Provence
28. Housatonic River
29. People's United Bank
30. US Post Office
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