

Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL)

ハーツフィールド ジャクソン アトランタ国際空港 (ATL)

(Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport)
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  • Tips
    Craig C.
    "The Delta Sky Club has great Bloody Mary's (ブラッディ・マリー)."(7 つの Tips)
    Shermon M.
    "your shoes (靴)"(38 つの Tips)
    Laurin B.
    "costumer services and Wifi (wifi)"(167 つの Tips)
    E G.
    "Check out the live piano player at the food court (フードコート) in concourse E!"(59 つの Tips)
ヒントとレビューのアイコン4,441 件のTipとレビュー
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  • Tomiya M.
    Tomiya Müller3月 2, 2015
    空港内はラウンジ以外でも free Wi-Fi が使えるようになりました。ターミナル間は地下鉄で移動しますが、一本の往復のみなので間違って乗車してもいつかは到着します。搭乗ゲート周りにはあまり店がありません。
  • Miki H.
    Miki H11月 3, 2013
    カナダからの荷物はinternational baggage claimで受け取らないといけない。当然だけど。でも間違えた。空港係員も分かってなかったw
  • 珠美
    珠美8月 24, 2014
  • Kelvin M.
    Kelvin McD.9月 26, 2011
    #Airtran. -___-
  • Josh W.
    Josh Weiss7月 6, 2018
    Get there early enough to WALK to your gate (skip the Plane Train). See exhibits along the moving sidewalks between concourses: nature, civil rights, global art...1.5 miles to get your steps in.
    プラス投票 1日前
  • Ben E.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Ben Engelby9月 26, 2014
    If you have time before your flight, skip the train and walk to your terminal. There is a multitude of sculptures, art, photography & historical artifacts in the walkways. Great way to pass the time.
    プラス投票 5日前
  • Eugene U.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Eugene Urze2月 12, 2018
    Siempre que llego a este aeropuerto me hacen reír, principalmente en la terminal E o F hay un tipo que siempre está cantando Welcome jajajaja, todos parecen estar felices, debería ser así en todos😆
    プラス投票 2024年Dec26日
  • Santiago S.
    Santiago Suarez Ordoñez12月 19, 2017
    The ride sharing setup is disastrous at this airport. Walk 15 minutes. There are two lots on opposite sides of the airport. Same names and colors for spots, none tells you which actual lot youre in...
    プラス投票 15時間前
  • La-Tica B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    La-Tica Bragg4月 23, 2018
    Great operation easy access and the plane train is very much appreciated and extremely helpful to getting to the multiple concourses.
    プラス投票 1週間前
  • Mitchユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Mitch12月 30, 2017
    This is a large airport that serves as a Delta hub. Free wifi. Tram will transport you between terminals. Gets me where I want to go.
  • Patrick
    Patrick5月 15, 2011
    if you have time walk to your terminal instead of taking the train and the people mover. Great way to get some exercise in before your flight.
    プラス投票 1週間前
  • Eater
    Eater7月 11, 2012
    Top Dining Options: One Flew South in Concourse E; The Original El Taco in Concourse F; Paschal's Southern Cuisine and Chick-fil-A in Concourse A; SweetWater Draft House & Grill in Concourse B. 続きを見る
  • Jared C.
    Jared Carter8月 11, 2014
    Planes are here. Best place to find a flight near Atlanta.
  • Nae N.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Nae Nae2月 12, 2015
    The new international concourse is gorgeous! Also enjoy days when I can get from ticket counter through security& to my gate in under 30 minutes. One of the cleanest friendliest airports in the U.S
  • Michael D.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Michael D12月 28, 2017
    Absolutely huge airport. Find your concourse and gate and then explore. Some areas better than others in terms of shopping and places to eat/drink. Staff nicest of any airport!
  • Walterユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Walter6月 6, 2016
    Um ótimo aeroporto com fácil acesso a todos os gates e com boas opções de compra. A nova área internacional está ótima. Home of Delta!
  • Megan B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Megan Brown9月 16, 2018
    Art and history while getting in your steps. Skip the train!
  • nviDi_ablo
    nviDi_ablo4月 29, 2014
    El humus de great o wraps está de lujo. Irónicamente la comida en este aeropuerto esta barata. Cocacola 1.92dlls coca cola aeropuerto Cancún 65 pesos
  • Matt D.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Matt Dermody9月 16, 2016
    If you're just passing through ATL (most are) then be sure to grab some Chick-Fil-a at the centerpoints of A or C. If you're not flying out of either gate it is still a quick tram ride from B or D.
  • Miguelangel C.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Excelente terminal pero creo que el Wifi ya debería ser un servicio público gratuito y no pago, con suerte conseguí señal cerca de la puerta de embarque
    プラス投票 2024年Dec25日
  • Corey W.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Corey Winfrey8月 11, 2013
    If you have a couple of hours between flights it's worth it to hang out in the new Terminal F. It's much nicer than the rest and the service level is too. Best Delta Sky Club at the airport
  • Ross S.
    Ross Schendel12月 22, 2018
    One Flew South is the best restaurant at any airport anywhere. They are fast, too, so give it a shot if you have an hour or more.
  • Praful M.
    Praful Mehta8月 31, 2014
    Must have passed thru Atlanta airport over 200 X in past 10 years and have to compliment the ease and layout of the airport. It has always been a breeze to go between terminals and find places to eat.
  • Densユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Dens4月 28, 2015
    This place is as close to a spaceport as we have here on Earth. (a spacesport with Chick-Fil-A, I may add)
  • Shelby H.
    Shelby Highsmith8月 13, 2014
    Long layover? Head to concourse F for a drink/bite. The "F" is for "fancy" -- clean, quiet, gorgeous, and best food choices, plus people-watching people who are going on fancier trips than you.
  • Chris V.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Chris Vodola12月 6, 2018
    Amazingly simple airport despite being among the busiest in the world. If you fly through ATL more than even once a year, you need to sign up for a credit card with Delta Sky Club access. 🥂
  • Steve M.
    Steve McDaniel9月 18, 2014
    Worlds busiest airport but it can handle itself. You can even rent a mini suite and take a snooze cause your terminal is as far away as possible. Good food. Some power outlets to charge back up.
  • John (.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    John (aka “PHATFoodFan”)1月 30, 2019
    “Wave your hand to enjoy a quiet and gentle release of fragrance” these deodorizing devices in each bathroom stall, can cover up the smell of your neighboring stalls...or your own. 😱😂
  • Aquarium O.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Aquarium Outfitters6月 17, 2017
    Amazing airport, amazing city! If you're near Athens, please swim on into Aquarium Outfitters, Athens biggest aquarium and fish store!
  • Adam S.
    Adam Stallman9月 25, 2016
    I always hear horror stories about this airport but I have never had any issues. Just make sure you give yourself plenty of time to navigate the airport.
  • Walterユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Walter6月 6, 2016
    Home of Delta! Nice airport with friendly stuff. The new international area is amazing.
  • Beau T.
    Beau Teague9月 18, 2014
    A trip through Hartsfield isn't complete without a visit to see the ridiculously flexible Exercising Man in the walkway between the T Gates and Concourse A.
  • Fabricio
    Fabricio7月 19, 2017
    Se você precisar passar a noite no aeroporto vai perceber que além de turistas que perderam a conexão o aeroporto serve de abrigo pra muitos sem-teto. É muita gente dormindo em todos os cantos!
  • Brandon F.
    Brandon F.1月 9, 2019
    You know how they tell you to get to the airport two hours early? Get there two earlier — this airport is massive. Notorious for the most missed connections.
  • Valユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Val12月 17, 2018
    There are 3 TGI Friday’s location in Concourses B, E, and T. They all carry the plant-based Beyond Burger. 🍔 Staff at the E location were quick and friendly. It’s not just for vegans. Delicious!😋
  • Derrick T.
    Derrick Tennant7月 10, 2019
    go WALK between A & B terminals. coolest “chill vibe” in all of travel. More time? between A & T for Awesome art and history. Busiest airport in the world really knows how to do it. Thanks #ATL
  • Ed R.
    Ed Reggi2月 7, 2019
    Best airport in the USA! Pro Tip, don’t take tram to gate, instead walk and enjoy this airportsart & multimedia installations.
  • Chris M.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Chris M.10月 28, 2018
    Massive, fast, efficient airport with everything. Train is very efficient. Check terminal maps for great dining, spa, and shopping options. Can get busy. Lots of airport are a great refuge, B is best.
  • Rodrigo A.
    Rodrigo Amorim1月 2, 2014
    Se você tem cartão Amex platinum ou gold você pode usufruir da sala Sky Club da Delta. No embarque internacional perto do portão 15 tem uma. A sala e ótima e tem chuveiro com tudo (toalha, etc). Ótima
  • Arielle S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Arielle Scott11月 26, 2020
    Bring your walking shoes
  • K E.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    K East7月 25, 2018
    Stay seated until the plane comes to a complete and final stop and the pilot has turned off the fasten seatbelt sign ;)
  • Hüseyin K.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Hüseyin Koçak2月 6, 2018
    Havaalanı o kadar büyük ki içinde birkaç duraklı metro mevcut. Ayrıca terminalden araç kiralama kısmına gitmek arabayla 10 dakika sürüyor. Buna rağmen oldukça düzenli.
  • Tiago M.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Tiago Martinez3月 21, 2015
    Muito organizado. Demora um pouco na imigração, porém pelo que vi todos são bem receptivos e educados. Brasileiros, na hora do raio-x tem que tirar o sapato (todos têm que fazer isso).
  • Damiso A.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Damiso Arrington9月 30, 2020
    On your next flight, instead of taking the train to your concourse gates, take the walk and enjoy the amazing art collection created by students from the Atlanta Public School System. You'll be glad!!
  • Tiffany D.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Tiffany D9月 3, 2022
    Try walking between the gates instead of taking the train the whole way. There are many art, cultural and history exhibits curated especially for the airport mainly about the city of Atlanta.
  • John C.
    John Clifton8月 20, 2014
    "Welcome to the home of Delta" ATL is seemingly owned by Delta Airlines. Clean, free wifi, and updates to the terminal to terminal transport system have made ATL an efficient huge airport.
  •  Ed 🇳🇱 B.
     Ed 🇳🇱 Berrevoets8月 28, 2022
    This airport is awesome. As huge as it may appear, the plane train gets you to your gates in no time. Well organized with many restaurants and the staff is super friendly. Great gateway to the US👌🏻
  • Bill N.
    Bill Newman9月 27, 2021
    B-I-G airport. Allow lots of time between flights about 15-20 mins min between gates. If you have a chance do sample the excellent wine list and cuisine at One Flew South at the E Concourse.
  • Ed B.
    Ed Bonza7月 17, 2021
    Skip the train on the way to baggage claim. Take the slidewalk - takes longer but you'll enjoy the art and exercise.
  • David R.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    David Reynolds10月 28, 2018
    The busiest airport in the world, but they are very good at moving people through. If this is your departure airport, consider checking in at the International area.


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