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TERAROSA is one of Gavinさんのお気に入りスポット.


창해로 419 (경포대점), 江陵市, 강원도
コーヒーショップ · 강문동 · 12個のヒントとレビュー
Lake Gyeongpo is one of Gavinさんのお気に入りスポット.

2. Lake Gyeongpo

경포로 365, 강릉시, 강원특별자치도
湖沼 · 10個のヒントとレビュー
Gyeongpo Beach is one of Gavinさんのお気に入りスポット.

3. Gyeongpo Beach

창해로 514, 강릉시, 강원특별자치도
海岸 · 37個のヒントとレビュー

Gavin H.Gavin Hudson: The govt has done some big renovations, adding boardwalks and statues. It's one of the cities most famous beaches. The water is warmest in late August and early September.

SO ZAC's is one of Gavinさんのお気に入りスポット.

4. SO ZAC's

カフェ · Tipまたはレビューなし

Gavin H.Gavin Hudson: 강릉 유일한 맥주 소형 양조장에서 논다! 한잔 함계 먹을까?? Gangneung's only microbrewery!