

Galeries Lafayette Haussmann


(Galeries Lafayette Haussmann)
Chaussée-d'Antin, パリ
  • Tips
    David S.
    "many big branded available here,free wifi (無料 wifi)"(6 つの Tips)
    A F.
    "Nice architecture (建築), and a good choice for visiting all luxury brands!"(9 つの Tips)
    Ana Beatriz
    "A cúpula é linda e também suba no terraço (ルーフデッキ) para ver a vista!"(8 つの Tips)
    Alia A.
    "Shoe (靴) section"(10 つの Tips)
ヒントとレビューのアイコン841 件のTipとレビュー
  • 建築
  • デパート
  • 無料 wifi
  • ブティック

  • 人気
  • 最近
  • 321 M.
    321 M8月 2, 2019
  • かめらどー る.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    かめらどー る9月 29, 2018
  • sophie
    sophie7月 2, 2013
  • Shinsuke N.
    Shinsuke Nakatani12月 4, 2022
    ちょw パリメトロでよく目にする指挟まれ注意ウサギのTシャツww
  • Hiroaki H.
    Hiroaki Hasegawa7月 21, 2012
  • Toru H.
    Toru Hanyuda4月 6, 2014
  • Shinsuke N.
    Shinsuke Nakatani6月 24, 2023
  • Lisa S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Lisa Starbucks7月 29, 2018
    Even if you are not there for the shopping (damn it's so expensive! 🙄), it's still worth seeing the building, it's dome and the terrace. It's amazing. Plus, they have nice, big, clean toilets 😉
    プラス投票 5時間前
  • Anna F.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Anna Feruga12月 18, 2014
    Great shopping center with amazing interior. Full of different labels - from the cheap one to expensive. You can find here almost everything. The metro station has an exit to the gallery.
    プラス投票 9時間前
  • Artyom F.
    Artyom Fedosov7月 27, 2016
    Everything is expensive here, the whole mall is overcrowded by fanatic Chinese, Japanese and Russian buyers. Beautiful interior. Stunning view from the rooftop.
    プラス投票 6時間前
  • Abdulrahmanユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Abdulrahman10月 14, 2016
    The TOP place for shopping in Paris . All brands under one roof .
    プラス投票 Jan 17
  • ParisianGeek
    ParisianGeek12月 28, 2013
    Dernier Grand magasin fondé à Paris mais le plus grand de la ville. La coupole est magnifique avec ses balcons ! C'est là que trône le fameux sapin de Noël chaque année. Ne pas ratez la terrasse.
  • Alia A.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Alia Alsharif10月 3, 2015
    Loved the place you can get what you want from all kind of brands I love the Shoe section but they close by 8 pm so try to come early special if you will do taxes refund
  • Y.Arman B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Y.Arman Barlas12月 19, 2016
    Ici est très bon pour faire du shopping. Essayez de se à l'étage. Après que vous devriez regarder en bas de là.
  • Reginaldo A.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Reginaldo Amorim4月 12, 2016
    Maravilhosa, porém a maior parte dedicada a parcela rica do mundo. O que mais me impressionou foi o andar dedicado a brinquedos e ala infantil. Preços acessíveis. Indico pra quem tem filhos.
    プラス投票 Jan 19
  • Inizeteユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Inizete3月 30, 2016
    Arquitetura linda, cores e detalhes para apreciar. Muitas grifes para encantar consumidores exigentes e bolsos abastados de euros. E uma vista a perder se no ponto mais conhecido de Paris.
  • Gabriela S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Gabriela Solis11月 10, 2015
    Gracias a la recomendación de alguien más pudimos saber que tienen un techo con una hermosa vista a la cuidad a la ópera Garnier, que además es gratis. La decoración navideña es hermosa.
  • S ''Ayaz'' Berkユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    S ''Ayaz'' Berk11月 20, 2017
    Alışveriş için mükemmel bir yer ama bütçeniz yoksa hiç gitmeyin. Hediyelik eşyalar için en üst kata uygun şeyler bulabilirsiniz. Sınırlı bütçeye sahipsenin alışverişe 3. Kattan başlayın
    プラス投票 Jan 5
  • Ayla Y.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Ayla Yılmaz9月 7, 2016
    Çok şık göz alıcı masalsı bir atmosferi var. Fiyatlar yüksek alışveriş için çok hesaplı olmasada görsel bir şölen sunuyor. Terasına mutlaka çıkın muhteşem bi manzarası var
  • Anna Y.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Anna Yeskina3月 21, 2016
    Много парфюмерии/косметики и пр.пр. различных брендов :)) для тех кого кризис не коснулся и японцев ))) стоит прийти полюбоваться куполом, поглазеть на витрины и покушать макаруны Pierre Hermé
  • Brendan E.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Brendan Elliott12月 21, 2017
    Beautiful Christmas decorations! Brands are top end, but it’s worth going to have a look. Don’t miss the view from the terrace on level 7!
    プラス投票 Feb 14
  • Elizabeth P.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Elizabeth Pose12月 2, 2015
    Increible lugar, bello edificio y la azotea espectacular un lugar para tomar un descanso en las compras y aprvechar la hermosa vista de Paris 😊
  • Feras
    Feras10月 5, 2014
    One of the largest department stores in europe. Must visit this place when your in paris.
    プラス投票 Jan 16
  • Laurent A.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Laurent Axel1月 4, 2015
    Personnel très professionnel. Accueil, conseils et services excellents, dans un superbe lieu! Du choix, des marque, un parking souterrain en accès direct, tout comme le métro.
  • Оксана К.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Обязательно стоит зайти ради открытой смотровой площадки на 7 этаже с видом на весь город, сувениров на 6 этаже. Здесь много люксовых магазинов, ресторан, кафе. Красивый интерьер в стиле арт-нуво.
  • Oleg W.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Oleg White8月 11, 2014
    Снаружи ничего примечательного, но внутри очень красиво! С крыши отличный вид на центр Парижа. На первом этаже можно посмотреть регулярное шоу с китайскими/японскими покупателями в главной роли :)
  • Vicente M.
    Vicente Martinez1月 16, 2018
    Es un centro comercial enorme, con una gran cantidad de productos. Hay multitud de personas por todos sitios, pero te sientes cómodo. La decoración navideña está muy currada, la verdad.
  • Passa
    Passa5月 10, 2013
    Concordo com a Flavia! Aqui você encontra tudo mas são mais caros. Uma bolsa que eu queria estava quase o dobro do preço que encontrei no site oficial da marca. Vale a visita pelo local em si :)
  • Nmユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Nm2月 5, 2016
    المجمع كبير وفيه كل شيء ،، نفس نظام الهارودز في لندن ،، منتجات عطور "Annick Goutal" و "Gtelier" ممتازة ،، خاصة العنبر والعود والفانيلا .. يستحق الزيارة وبقوة ،،
  • Aslı P.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Aslı P.1月 3, 2017
    Belki alışveriş yaşamayabilirsiniz, dünyanın en iyi markaları burada ama kesinlikle gidip içini görmelisiniz ✌️
  • mal p.
    mal pva7月 29, 2017
    One of the most colourful places is Galaries Lafayette and our visit to the stores.....fantastic place !!! . A must see place and do your shopping if you are in Paris.
  • Tareq
    Tareq10月 9, 2015
    The glass ceiling is incredible and the terrace view of Paris on the roof top is AMAZING 😍👌🏽
    プラス投票 Jan 15
  • Haya K.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Haya K7月 12, 2016
    Good place to shop if you want everything under one roof, however it's always crowded by Chinese tourists and you have to queue to enter certain shops which isn't worth it really!
  • Yasserユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Yasser10月 23, 2018
    Everything from mid price to high price fashionable luxury thing you will find here, if you don’t want to pass by each brand boutique separately Come here highly recommended..
  • Epicurean .ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    What else does it have besides fantastic shopping?1)Impressive art nouveau arch,2)Breathtaking vantage pt of Paris,3)Good dining options.It's a top tourist attraction in its own right so a must visit.
  • Yasaman M.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Yasaman Mahdian1月 10, 2019
    It’s full of life and good energy! A must visit place when you are in Paris!
    プラス投票 Jan 25
  • Ana Beatrizユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Ana Beatriz12月 8, 2019
    É lotada, mas tem lojas legais e um andar só com souvenires de Paris que achei muito legal para comprar presentes! A cúpula é linda e também suba no terraço para ver a vista!
  • Irina L.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Irina Limonchenko12月 3, 2018
    Красивое место, отличная обзорная площадка на крыше здания, где вид на Гранд Опера, и видно Эйфелеву башню, вход бесплатный и это очень радует ! ))
  • Marcos C.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Marcos Colmenares12月 30, 2016
    Tabla de quesos, pan, chocolate caliente y mil hojas en el IceCube de Galerías La Fayette, pero a -1C
  • Ю💓 Б.
    Ю💓 Б💓8月 26, 2014
    Для тех, кто не был на открытых площадках Эйфелевой башни и Норт Дама можно совсем бесплатно подняться на 7й этаж и посмотреть на город:) есть удобные кресла и автомат с соками и водичкой)
  • Gina Abril M.
    Avec l'envie de chocolat chaud, capuccino, latte ou boissons frappés?? Montez sur la terrasse aux Galeries Lafayette Femme! Demande au barista @jean-seb pour votre boisson fait avec amour!! Delicieux!
  • Gabi B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Gabi Bulumac5月 2, 2016
    This fancy shopping mall it's symbol of French lifestyle 😜✅
  • Dr. MOHAMMED A.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    For the one who looking for shopping in Paris , I invited you to visit this luxury and beautiful Gallery and you will find what are you looking for 🛍🎁
  • 블루씨ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    블루씨9月 9, 2018
    중국인 너무 많아서 도떼기 시장 같음. 원산지 증명서를 꼭 발급 받을 것.
  • Andrew C.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Andrew Cherkashin5月 16, 2015
    Amazing Paris views from the rooftop terrace. Go there after shopping. Sunny days are best to enjoy views!
  • Saleh A.
    Saleh Al10月 9, 2015
    The biggest shopping centre in Paris. The have three different buildings (women, men and kids with home accessories). You can find there all brands you need.
  • Wagner L.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Wagner Leite11月 19, 2015
    It's amazing place, very beautiful! It's a luxury place, has many luxury and famous brands! I liked here!
  • Torrey
    Torrey12月 4, 2017
    An incredible department store that's been around since the Victorian era - make sure you go to the top floor and look down for a 😍 view
  • Mary F.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Mary Follo5月 17, 2016
    So much to buy! Lots of souvenirs too. Go to the rooftop for a great view of paris and the eiffel tour in the distance
  • Tony B.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Tony Branch1月 10, 2023
    Shoes, shoes, shoes! Luxe brand boutiques galore. Lots for him, her, and the little ones. If you have a shopping problem, don’t go to Paris! Check out custom shoes for men and ladies at JM LeGazel.


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