Café Landtmann is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

1. Café Landtmann

Universitätsring 4 (Löwelstr.), Wien, Wien
カフェ · Schottenviertel · 382個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: Elegant, refined and delicious... indeed.

The Frosty Frog Pizza & Daiquiri Bar is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

2. The Frosty Frog Pizza & Daiquiri Bar

1 N Forest Beach Dr (at Avocet Rd), Hilton Head Island, SC
ピッツェリア · 80個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: The tastiest place to get brain freeze!

BBQ Grill is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

3. BBQ Grill

8084 E Main St, Ridgeland, SC
焼肉 / バーベキュー料理店 · 2個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: Banana puddin' for sure... but it's really all about the pork, right? And they do it right.

Sakura Buffet is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

4. Sakura Buffet

220 Eisenhower Dr, サバンナ, GA
アジア料理店 · 25個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: Walnut shrimp is very tasty.

Kroger Marketplace is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

5. Kroger Marketplace

318 Mall Blvd Ste 100, サバンナ, GA
スーパーマーケット · Avalon - Oglethorpe Mall Area · 18個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: Love to sip on an iced coffee here.

Hardee's is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

6. Hardee's

130 E Main St, Ninety Six, SC
ファーストフード店 · 1件の Tip

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: All the regulars/locals from Ninety Six get the real deal at Hardee's. If by some crazy chance you make your way to this town, then stop by.

Bandit's Dock is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

7. Bandit's Dock

Colleton River, Bluffton, SC
展望台 · 2個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: Warm sunshine and a calm place to relax is what you'll find here.

Skull Creek Boathouse is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

8. Skull Creek Boathouse

405 Squire Pope Rd, Hilton Head Island, SC
シーフードレストラン · 156個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: Great steaks, great fried seafood, they even make some outstanding sushi. They offer interesting brunch selections too. Best of all, this is a great spot to relax outside and watch the sunset.

Saigon Cafe is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

9. Saigon Cafe

1304 Fording Island Rd, Bluffton, SC
ベトナム料理店 · 13個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: This place is awesome! I do not use that word lightly as most do. This is a quality establishment and the food is delicious. They are consistently consistent and it is all delicious. Delicious.

Sakura Japanese Restaurant is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

10. Sakura Japanese Restaurant

8465 Waters Ave, サバンナ, GA
寿司屋 · 15個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: They're very consistent with their service. Good quality food at a good price. They're fast and easy. Nothing fancy but dependable. Good sushi. I like the yaki soba with shrimp... best tempura around.

Cheeseburger House is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

11. Cheeseburger House

104 State St, Ninety Six, SC
ハンバーガーレストラン · 1件の Tip

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: Cheeseburgers here=pretty damn epic.

Stu's Surfside Subs is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

12. Stu's Surfside Subs

1 N Forest Beach, Hilton Head Island, SC
サンドイッチ店 · 20個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: Typically the subs are pretty damn good here... I like 'em hot. The bread here is really good and sets them apart from most sub joints.

Aubri Lane's is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

13. Aubri Lane's

3700 Sinclair Dam Rd NE, Milledgeville, GA
南部料理店 · 10個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: Wonderful food and a unique history is what you'll find here.

Sippin' Cow is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

14. Sippin' Cow

(May River Road), Bluffton, SC
朝食スポット · 9個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: Cool spot for breakfast... pretty good food here. Order at the counter then take a seat.

ウィーン国立歌劇場 is one of FRITZさんのお気に入りスポット.

15. ウィーン国立歌劇場

(Wiener Staatsoper)
Opernring 2, Wien, Wien
オペラハウス · Innere Stadt · 315個のヒントとレビュー

FRITZ f.FRITZ fritztheyodeler: Seriously? You need me to write a review about the Vienna Opera House? Um... is Superman freakin' super? Well, this the "Superman" of Opera Houses.