Bars From the Movies You Can Visit in Real Life
Blind Donkey is one of Bars From the Movies You Can Visit in Real Life.

1. Blind Donkey

149 Linden Ave Ste B100, ロングビーチ, CA
バー · Downtown Long Beach · 18個のヒントとレビュー

Fodor's TravelFodor's Travel: The Blind Donkey, with a menu of whiskeys, craft cocktails, and beer, was seen in La La Land (2016). The reserve list of whiskeys is what draws locals—and La La Land fans, of course. 続きを読む

The Prince is one of Bars From the Movies You Can Visit in Real Life.

2. The Prince

3198 W 7th St (at S Catalina St), ロサンゼルス, CA
ラウンジ · Wilshire Center - Koreatown · 34個のヒントとレビュー

Fodor's TravelFodor's Travel: Although this dive bar is in Koreatown, it appears in the Roman Polanski-directed film Chinatown (1974) as The Brown Derby, a since-shuttered bar. Pro tip: order the Korean deep-fried chicken. 続きを読む

Ice Q Restaurant & Lounge is one of Bars From the Movies You Can Visit in Real Life.

3. Ice Q Restaurant & Lounge

Gaislachkogel 3a, Sölden, Tirol
タパスレストラン · 43個のヒントとレビュー

Fodor's TravelFodor's Travel: To reach this glass-walled lounge in South Tyrol—in the 2015 James Bond film Spectre, and open since 2013, at an altitude of 10,000 feet—you have to board a ski lift, but it’s worth the trek. 続きを読む

ニューヨークバー is one of Bars From the Movies You Can Visit in Real Life.

4. ニューヨークバー

西新宿3-7-1-2 (パークハイアット東京 52F), 新宿区, 東京都
ホテルのバー · 169個のヒントとレビュー

Fodor's TravelFodor's Travel: In the cult classic Lost in Translation (2003), Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson strike up a friendship as two foreigners in bustling Tokyo. This includes talking over drinks at New York Bar. 続きを読む

Maxim's is one of Bars From the Movies You Can Visit in Real Life.

5. Maxim's

3 rue Royale, パリ, Île-de-France
フランス料理店 · Madeleine · 23個のヒントとレビュー

Fodor's TravelFodor's Travel: In Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris (2011), Gil—played by Owen Wilson—is magically transported to the 1920s. But romantic interest, Adriana, longs for the 1890s, so they drop by Maxim’s in Paris. 続きを読む

7B Horseshoe Bar aka Vazacs is one of Bars From the Movies You Can Visit in Real Life.

6. 7B Horseshoe Bar aka Vazacs

108 Avenue B (at E 7th St), ニューヨーク市, NY
ダイブバー · Alphabet City · 105個のヒントとレビュー

Fodor's TravelFodor's Travel: This old-school, major-dive bar—where PBR is de rigueur—appeared in The Godfather: Part II (1974), as the backdrop for a gunfight. Happy-hour specials and daytime hours make this a neighborhood spot. 続きを読む

L Street Tavern is one of Bars From the Movies You Can Visit in Real Life.

7. L Street Tavern

658 E 8th St (at L St.), ボストン, MA
パブ · South Boston · 12個のヒントとレビュー

Fodor's TravelFodor's Travel: Before Ben Affleck’s and Matt Damon’s careers exploded, they starred in collegiate drama Good Will Hunting (1997). This wood-paneled bar with an Irish bent is where the characters hang after class. 続きを読む

Renaissance St. Croix Carambola Beach Resort & Spa is one of Bars From the Movies You Can Visit in Real Life.

8. Renaissance St. Croix Carambola Beach Resort & Spa

Estate Davis Bay, St Croix, Saint Croix Island
ホテル · 12個のヒントとレビュー

Fodor's TravelFodor's Travel: Behind the final scene in Trading Places (1983), starring Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd, is Renaissance Carambola Beach Resort & Spa’s Flamboyant Beach Bar along Davis Bay.

フローリアン is one of Bars From the Movies You Can Visit in Real Life.

9. フローリアン

Piazza San Marco 56-59 (Procuratìe Nuove), ベニス, Veneto
カフェ · San Marco · 375個のヒントとレビュー

Fodor's TravelFodor's Travel: In The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999), Tom Ripley—played by Matt Damon—sits down at this café in busy St. Mark’s Square with Marg (Gwyneth Paltrow) and Herbert (James Rebhorn). 続きを読む