Keith W. • 5月 30, 2017TouchTunes jukebox (ジュークボックス)
Emme H. • 6月 20, 2011The concrete floor makes for easy clean ups after the fights.
Athonia C. • 7月 3, 2014$4 well (井戸) drinks 4-6 weekdays‼️Happy hour!
Brandon D. • 11月 13, 2010rainbow room thursday night and sats worth checking out.
Kiran J. • 4月 2, 2018fish & chips, salmon
Jayson C. • 8月 9, 2011Good crowd, decent prices, great staff, and ashtrays inside.
Chuck C. • 9月 3, 2022Beautiful yacht club on the Santa Cruz Harbor with a multi-level deck overlooking the marina.
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