Albi T. • 12月 20, 2012Tonnes of clubs available here to meet! Come check out an array of groups for you to get involved with
Ruth T. • 3月 31, 2011Alternate entrance to the library if you are coming from the north side of campus
David B. • 2月 9, 2011Try the breakfast bagels from Treats in the student centre. Great deals. Freshly made food.
Alejandro V. • 3月 28, 2012Best place to come and study quietly full of empty classrooms find one and your set good luck !
Rubene D. • 8月 7, 2010The grassy field is great for your dog. Just don't play there when there are kids out. And don't forget to pick up after your dog! : )
Denise P. • 4月 5, 2011The best spot in the whole building is the glass window reading nook in the library. Especially wonderful to sit in on rainy days.
Yanling L. • 11月 3, 2011If you have an access card you can get in from 5am to 11pm on weekdays and 8am to 8pm on weekends.
Julia M. • 10月 20, 2009Canada's oldest day and boarding school for girls. With the right education, girls who want to change the world become women who do. Join us for our Open House speaker series, more online.
Ryerson University • 1月 16, 2013One of the best places for a nap on campus is the sofa areas in front of the Hub. Sit yourself down in a couch chair, prop your feet up on the bench and get comfortable!
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