USHealthcare P. • 12月 23,, a 2018 founded online pharmacy with a variety of good quality drugs and medicines to offer their customers and prospects with.
Dalal A. • 12月 20, 2013I really love this store the one on Nottingham Road. It is not only drug store it has more than beautiful things especially for the ones who live there.
Michael B. • 4月 4, 2011Make sure to check for TP. And always was your hands with soap and warm water for at least 30 seconds.
Sara A. • 12月 8, 2014Yes, there's an option to buy local. But, the ease of access and great customer service (with no wait) keep me coming back.
Philip Ryan J. • 8月 19, 2018Not as nice as Rite Aid or Walgreens. Stock of some products on shelves are very old and dusty. Very strange.
Jill H. • 2月 29, 2012While I've often tried to park on the street for free, on street parking is more scarce. Park in the garage for $1/hour.
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