Empire State Building

エンパイア ステート ビルディング

(Empire State Building)
Koreatown, ニューヨーク市
  • スター
    Time Out New YorkMichelin Travel & Lifestyleのエキスパートがこのスポットをすすめています
    • Time Out New York
    • Michelin Travel & Lifestyle
  • Tips
    Ross D.
    "Sunset (日没) up here is lovely but we waited in line for hours"(20 つの Tips)
    WhiteDino ..
    "Look around at the amazing Turn of the century architecture (建築)!"(7 つの Tips)
    Jared W.
    "great views of the empire state (都道府県/州) building."(20 つの Tips)
    Stine B.
    "Somewhat crowded (混んでる), but then again, I guess it always is."(9 つの Tips)
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  • 日没
  • 建築
  • 展望台
  • モニュメント
  • 都道府県/州

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  • KP N.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    KP NK1月 17, 2015
    プラス投票 Feb 6
  • ユウタ 栗.
    ユウタ 栗本5月 2, 2012
  • Yuta K.
    Yuta Konishi3月 26, 2013
  • ℳ𝒶𝓎♍ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    ℳ𝒶𝓎♍8月 31, 2016
    The Empire State Building is an iconic staple of New York City history. From King Kong to Tom Hanks, it has been a focal point of the New York skyline. Tallest building in the world from 1931-1970
  • Camillaユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Camilla5月 25, 2016
    Buy the ticket where you also go up to 102nd floor! The view is definitely worth it. The people working in the building are very nice and are ready for all of your questions!
    プラス投票 6日前
  • Time Out New York
    Time Out New York10月 31, 2011
    The best touristy venue, this 80-year-old landmark is simply stunning. Check out the Art Deco flourishes in the lobby, restored to its original gilded splendor in 2009. 続きを見る
  • Jp A.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Jp Aliss10月 16, 2018
    Piso 86 se mueve 5 CMS a cada lado. La decoración es única, una calidad envidiable, la vista a la puesta del sol te enamora del punto. Vale la pena revisar la historia del edificio, los record batidos
    プラス投票 2024年Dec24日
  • VacazionaViajes
    VacazionaViajes8月 30, 2012
    Entrar por la Quinta avenida y subir a un edificio emblemático como el Empire, es visita obligada en la ciudad por excelencia.Las vistas desde el observatorio del piso 82 son espectaculares.
  • Chad C.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Chad Curry1月 31, 2015
    Great way to take in the whole city. We went on a Friday at 1pm and there was no line. Staff are very helpful and courteous.
  • CaliGirl S.
    CaliGirl Sava9月 7, 2014
    Empire State Building is more than a symbol of New York. It's a place you simply must not miss. You can't say that you have truly seen New York until you've seen from the top of ESB. Try to go at dusk
  • Cassandra T.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Cassandra Terry12月 22, 2014
    Empire state building is one of the most famous sceneries used in movies. I can't imagine New York without this 103 story skycraper building, everyone loves to see its beauty and elegance.
  • Mariana S.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Mariana Santos10月 1, 2018
    Aconselho uma visita durante a noite - Uma vista de cortar a respiração. E à noite as filas são menores. Arquitetura incrível para os amantes da mesma. Um must visit!
  • 🈴Naumova Zehra 🈲
    İkiz kuleler yıkıldıktan sonra newyorkun en yüksek binası olmuştur, 102 katlıdır ve dünyanın en güzel manzaralarından birine şahit olursunuz burada.
  • Joaquim N.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Joaquim Neto10月 13, 2014
    Organizado, prédio lindo. É caro,faz partePreços altos dos souvenirs. Empregados sisudos. Vista maravilhosa, mas é gradeado, recomendo durante o dia. À noite, recomendo Top Of The Rock, que é vidraça.
  • Ebubekir Ş.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Ebubekir Şimşek10月 6, 2019
    New York’ta ziyaret edilecek ilk yer denilebilir. Şehri izlemek için en ideal yerdir. Her ne kadar sinema film ve prodüksiyonla popüler edilmiş olsa da gerçek bir endüstri devrim yapısıdır.
  • Alessandro F.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Alessandro Fuselli2月 4, 2015
    La più bella visione di tutta NewYork... il silenzio nella città! Lo consiglio di notte nelle giornate con il cielo pulito e senza nebbia... foto da cartolina!
  • Filippo G.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Filippo Gatelli8月 29, 2015
    Vista spettacolare sia di giorno che di sera! Merita veramente, con il city pass è possibile salire 2 volte nella stessa giornata per ammirare la vista di giorno e di notte!
    プラス投票 Jan 3
  • Artu G.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Artu Grande4月 15, 2015
    Muy buena vista panorámica de la ciudad. Acompañado por la guía electrónica se puede tener una visión general de la ciudad y sus puntos de interés. Recomendando!
  • Just Ahmadユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Just Ahmad11月 16, 2018
    مبنى الإمباير ستيتEmpire State Building ناطحة سحاب في مدينة نيويورك بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، مكون من 102 طابق وفيه 72 مصعد ويصل ارتفاعه إلى 1250 قدم (381) متر وإلى 441 متر مع الهوائي التلفاز.
  • Honza P.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Honza Peša5月 15, 2018
    Just save yourself 20 bucks and don't buy the 102 floor pass, you won't notice the difference from the 80th. The 86th open air observation deck is the real deal anyway, there you must go.
  • Natalia C.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Natalia Cruz5月 1, 2015
    The most awesome view of the city, the most amazing spotlight over all, the most exciting sensation. You can even imagine how it feels to be at the top. Might be one of my favorite place on earth.
  • Emre A.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Emre Aktuna9月 21, 2016
    Definitely worth to see.Ideal time for visiting is sunset time.You have chance to see the day time and night time.Wonderfull sightseeing
  • rasi_ffm
    rasi_ffm12月 12, 2018
    Aussichtsterrasse abends besuchen: grandiose Aussicht auf ein Lichtermeer!
  • Dr. Ernest C. Rodriguez f.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    The Empire State Building is one of the most iconic landmarks in a city full of them. The tallest building in New York City has appeared in over 90 movies, and is the key piece of the NYC Skyline.
  • Marianne L.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Waited in line for about 2 hours on a weekday. The view was great, but no good pictures could be taken due to the steel bars. I would definitely prefer going to Rockefeller Top of the Rock!
  • Yuliia D.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Yuliia Datsenko4月 11, 2017
    Маст визит в НЙ) ночной город выглядит обалденно ,правда тяжело протолкаться чтобы сделать фоточку ,а днём достаточно свободно )
  • Esra P.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Esra PRG8月 27, 2014
    Amazing! Manhattan at its best. $75.- to get all the way up tho, but totally worth it! I didn't buy anything in the store, same quality same stuff, cheaper down town.
  • Cheen T.
    Cheen The Curious8月 11, 2022
    Building designated city landmark by NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission in 1980. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places as a National Historic Landmark in 1986. Source: Wikipedia
  • Alina H.
    Alina HB7月 15, 2015
    El mejor día para visitar son los martes (hay menos gente). Si tienes el city pass ppuedes ir después de las 10 pm de nuevo al mirador. La vista la supera top of the rock.
  • Ebubekir Ş.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Ebubekir Şimşek10月 6, 2019
    İmge olması ve teknik başarılarının yanında ciddi bir mühendislik harikası. Son yüzyıla damgasını vuracak olan Amerikan rüyasının imgesi yüksek yapılardan.
  • Laylaユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Layla10月 19, 2019
    So worth going if it’s outside of tourist-season and with a city pass (easily bought online). Personally think evening/night time is the most beautiful!
  • Lori K. h.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Even though I live in New York City, I love bringing friends and tourists to the Empire State building. Do not – I repeat DO NOT – take the sky ride.
  • Isabela G.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Isabela G.4月 20, 2017
    The ESB has iconic views from the city not just from the tourist part but also in the offices. It is worth visiting and also a great location to work at.
  • Susan H.
    Susan Hobbs1月 17, 2015
    Come here at night. Fantastic views and less/no lines. Open until 2am. Great post-Broadway show activity for those looking to check this quintessential NY site off their list.
  • High Quality Tours H.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Don't spend extra to go all the way to the top, your eyes can't tell the height difference from the 86th or the 102nd floor! Learn more inside tricks on one of our luxury tours today! #tournyc #hqt 続きを見る
  • Bollare
    Bollare3月 30, 2012
    The observation deck is a must for life-long New Yorkers and tourists alike. Skip the wait and go before a night on the town, or after a romantic date – the observation deck is open until 2AM. —Joey
  • Josh A.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Josh Antonio6月 12, 2016
    A great view from, as the elevator operator said "the top of the world". Only thing was it was very crowded. A quieter alternative would be to go up the Top of the rocks at the Rockefeller Centre.
  • Davi T.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Davi TC3月 20, 2016
    Tanto o prédio como a vista são magníficos, vale muito a pena visitar. Trata-se de um edifício histórico, de bom gosto em cada detalhe. Do observatório é possível ver todas as construções de Manhattan
  • Carla G.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Carla Gonzalez8月 8, 2019
    Qué lugar! 🤩 Amé cada detalle, desde el inicio con los posters de películas, el king Kong en la ventana y la vista espectacular desde aquí.
  • Cheen T.
    Cheen The Curious8月 11, 2022
    >3,500 workers were involved in building including 3,439 on a single day. Many workers were Irish & Italian immigrants, & Mohawk ironworkers from the Kahnawake reserve near Montreal. Source: Wikipedia
  • Cally D.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    Cally Day7月 9, 2012
    Be sure to buy your tickets online before hand and go for the express tickets, gets you past the queues, take your time enjoying the sights from both the 56th and 102nd floors,just before sunset!
  • Jason M.
    Jason McKeyton7月 10, 2016
    Amazing place to visit once in bog apple. Long queues expected.Be advised that it's a bit cold up there, so grab a jacket, and the best time to visit is before sunset! See city's lights turn on!
  • Filmsquare
    Filmsquare8月 2, 2013
    Jack Harper eventually remembers meeting Julia Rusakova at the entrance to the Empire State Building before going up to the observation deck in Oblivion (2013).
  • Jason M.
    Jason Mesiarik4月 2, 2013
    Be a kid again and enjoy the wondrous fascination of the towering heights of the Empire State Building with its glorious views of the city and beyond. Purchase tickets in advance and skip the lines.
  • City of New York
    City of New York5月 6, 2013
    Did you know that the Empire State Building was originally intended to be only 80 stories high, not 103?
  • Manuel T.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    La vista desde el Empire State es increíble y la sensación al estar ahí es sobrecogedora. El paseo es genial y el museo es muy informativo
  • E G.ユーザー画像のハートのアイコン
    E G11月 25, 2013
    Найти официальную кассу просто (не покупайте билеты у нигеров на улице). Подняться наверх советую всем. Открытая площадка произведет неизгладимое впечатление. Вечером вид красивее и народу меньше
  • Tyler M.
    Tyler Merrick2月 7, 2015
    If you want to see Manhattan and I mean the whole thing the 86th floor of the empire is perfect for you. It may be a long line for security but once you get up their you know that it was worth thewait
  • Steven D.
    Steven Dugas3月 5, 2018
    Same stunning view as it’s always been, but with the addition of all the glitzy trappings, the old charm has been lost. And, at $37 per person, it no longer passes the price/value test for me.
  • Augustus Collection
    Augustus Collection2月 23, 2014
    First constructed in 1931, the Empire State building commands the skyline of NYC, and has become a symbol of the city. It used to be the tallest building in the world. 続きを見る


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  • エンパイア ステート ビルディング koreatown ニューヨーク市

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