4559 Hurontario St, Unit #A-7A (at Eglinton Ave E), ミシサガ, ON
四川料理店 · 7個のヒントとレビュー
Dominiquenotdom Nomura: Spring rolls comes in 3s=not bad, green onion=pass, green beans=very tasty, chicken with chili=proceed with caution, very spicy, pan fried dumplings=yum
Dominiquenotdom Nomura: The gyro is a really good substitution to the real thing as a whole. I'm not a fan of the seitan on its own. Chili = yummy creamsicle drink is an exact match :) veggie pate is not my thing.
365 Enford Road Unit 1 (Yonge St. and Industrial Rd.), Richmond Hill, ON
自動車修理工場 · 4個のヒントとレビュー
Dominiquenotdom Nomura: If you have a BMW, Mercedes, VW or any other high end european vehicle and need an oil change, this place carries the high end oil so you don't have to waste your $$ at the dealership.