A Guide to Abruzzo
Rocca Calascio is one of A Guide to Abruzzo.

1. Rocca Calascio

Calascio, Calascio, Abruzzo
· 14個のヒントとレビュー

Delverde Pasta USADelverde Pasta USA: Visit the highest fortress in Abruzzo’s capital city, L’Aquila. Built during the 10th century, Rocca Calascio was used exclusively for military purposes but was never tested in battle.

Fontana delle 99 Cannelle is one of A Guide to Abruzzo.

2. Fontana delle 99 Cannelle

Piazza San Vito (Via dei Cuoi), ラクイラ, Abruzzo
噴水 · 5個のヒントとレビュー

Delverde Pasta USADelverde Pasta USA: The Fountain of 99 Spouts was given it’s name for the celebration of the origin of L’Aquila. The number 99 represents the number of founding castles that came together to form the city.

Forte Spagnolo is one of A Guide to Abruzzo.

3. Forte Spagnolo

Via Benedetto Croce, ラクイラ, Abruzzo
· 12個のヒントとレビュー

Delverde Pasta USADelverde Pasta USA: Fort Spagnolo was built not to defend its city but to control the Aquilans during the Spanish occupation of the city. Today, it is home to the Museum of Abruzzo.

Parco Nazionale Del Gran Sasso E Monti Della Laga is one of A Guide to Abruzzo.

4. Parco Nazionale Del Gran Sasso E Monti Della Laga

Via del Convento,1, Assergi, Abruzzo
国立公園 · AQ · 5個のヒントとレビュー

Delverde Pasta USADelverde Pasta USA: As one of the largest parks in Italy, this national park offers a majestic view of the mountains as well as offering many outdoor activities from horse riding to skiing.

Vasto Marina is one of A Guide to Abruzzo.

5. Vasto Marina

Marina di Vasto, Abruzzo
地域 · 13個のヒントとレビュー

Delverde Pasta USADelverde Pasta USA: Enjoy this seaside town and views of the Adriatic coastline. Lively atmosphere, many restaurants and cultural sights to see.

Cattedrale di San Massimo is one of A Guide to Abruzzo.

6. Cattedrale di San Massimo

Piazza Duomo, ラクイラ, Abruzzo
教会 · 1件の Tip

Delverde Pasta USADelverde Pasta USA: Considered as one of the main sights in L’Aquila, the church is a wonderful blend of Abruzzese Romanesque + Gothic architecture. The church was damaged during the '09 earthquake and is being repaired.

Fontana Luminosa is one of A Guide to Abruzzo.

7. Fontana Luminosa

Piazza Battaglione Alpini, ラクイラ, Abruzzo
噴水 · 9個のヒントとレビュー

Delverde Pasta USADelverde Pasta USA: Known as the Fountain of Light, the statue is located in the Piazza Alpini Battalion + considered a beloved figure to locals. The fountain has one of the best views of Gran Sasso, the national park.

Provincia di Pescara is one of A Guide to Abruzzo.

8. Provincia di Pescara

Piazza Italia, ペスカーラ, Abruzzo
行政施設 · 4個のヒントとレビュー

Delverde Pasta USADelverde Pasta USA: Designed by the architect Giovanni Michelucci, the Palazzo preserves statues of Giudo Constanza from Ortona and hosts the works of painter Francesco Paolo Michetti.

Chiesa San Pietro a Coppito is one of A Guide to Abruzzo.

9. Chiesa San Pietro a Coppito

Via Duomo, ラクイラ, Abruzzo
教会 · 2個のヒントとレビュー

Delverde Pasta USADelverde Pasta USA: Perched on a rocky outcrop, the church of the St Peter the Apostle has magnificent views of the Apennines. It also has beautiful stained windows that was created when the church was restored.