Хороший клуб, есть много групповых тренировок, есть из чего выбрать. И сам зал оснащен достаточно неплохо. Есть маленький бар и даже если вы забыли свои спорт вещи дома, здесь можно что-то прикупить.)
Strap into the silks at this aerial yoga class, and stretch, swing, and flip from three feet off the ground. Caution: You may fall head over heels for this class.
2 THUMBS DOWN: The guest pass doesn't work unless you are a FL residence. Thanks for wasting people's time Crunch. Another good reason to pick another fitness facility.
Alton street gm has no customer service. It's not th message but the execution that almost ruined my Sunday. Me and a freind were buying a package training with robin and Shawn. Thank you she was here
They don't respect the special here, I checked in for the first time and the guy at the front door refused to give me my 7 day pass because he says it's only for locals even when it doesn't say so
Crunch gym in Miami Beach, FL fuses fitness & fun through... awesome group fitness classes, miles of cardio, top-notch equipment, and personal training, all in month-to-month memberships!(もっと詳しく)