Alex Baxevanis: The original "old railway viaduct turned into a park" story - before New York built its fashionable High Line. Take a nice walk and enjoy the variety of Parisian architecture around you.
Avenue du Mahatma Gandhi (Allée des Érables), パリ, Île-de-France
遊園地 · Passy · 78個のヒントとレビュー
Thomas Conté: My favorites: the Enchanted River, le Théâtre de Guignol ... deliciously old-fashioned! Avoid the noisy merry-go-round area if you want to keep the spirit.
2 rue de la Montagne de la Fage, パリ, Île-de-France
公園 · Javel · 44個のヒントとレビュー
Journey City Guides: Away from the beaten path, this park was built on the site of an old Citroen car factory. A good spot during summer season. An air balloon gives the opportunity to have great views of Paris
Marc Andre Roy: If you come here with kids in the section 2-7 years of age, start with station 5 entitled Le Chantier des Grands. It will allow your kids to appreciate the station without being tired of the first 4.
Jardin des Tuileries (Place de la Concorde), パリ, Île-de-France
美術館 · Tuileries · 219個のヒントとレビュー
New York Habitat: Usually a lot less crowded than other major museums in Paris! First check out Monet’s gorgeous Water Lilies, and then proceed downstairs to soak up some Picasso, Renoir and Cezanne.
Vildan Yahni: wonderful place to visit on a picture perfect sunny day... just sit in the park... read a book (that's what I do)... or people watch and then walk through Marais - especially on a Sunday!
Léonor de Bailliencourt: L'endroit idéal pour papoter entre adultes pendant que les enfants se défoulent dans le coin jeux. Petite restauration correcte, nombreuses tentations enfantines, grand choix de thés. Baby-friendly.
Anna Andreen: Great with kids! Have a huge play room with tones of toys, so you will have at least 1 hour of peace with your friends to drink your cafe with macarone!
Rue de Rivoli (Quai des Tuileries), パリ, Île-de-France
庭園 · Tuilerie · 431個のヒントとレビュー
Gucci: Between the Champs- Elysées and the Jardin des Tuileries you will find the find Hotel de Crillon where you can enjoy the views of one of the most beautiful parks in the world.