
1. The Tradition Golf Club

3800 Prosperity Church Rd, シャーロット, NC
ゴルフコース · 6個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Bill Clinton can break 90, especially using his "Billigans.” #DNC2012

2. Hilton

8629 J M Keynes Dr, シャーロット, NC
ホテル · University City North · 31個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: This will be the hotel for Ohio DNC delegates. The last Democratic National Convention in Ohio was in 1880, at the Cincinnati Music Hall in Cincinnati, OH. #DNC2012

3. NC Music Factory

820 Hamilton St (at Seaboard St), シャーロット, NC
コンサートホール · Fourth Ward · 25個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: The host committee party will be held here during the 2012 DNC. In 2000, Tommy Lee Jones gave a speech nominating Al Gore, his old college roommate, to be the Party's nominee for President. #DNC2012

4. McColl Center for Visual Art

721 N Tryon St, シャーロット, NC
アートギャラリー · Fourth Ward · 10個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: National Journal and The Atlantic will set up shop here during the DNC. Fun Fact: Of the 46 Democratic National Conventions, 22 of them have been held in states bordering the Atlantic Ocean. #DNC2012

5. Google Hangout

シャーロット, NC
会議室 · Third Ward · 2個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Obama campaign manager Jim Messina put a staff Ping-Pong table outside his office at Chicago HQ after a tour of all the tech companies. He said, "You have got to have fun things for them to do." 続きを読む

6. Packard Place

222 S Church St (at W 3rd St.), シャーロット, NC
オフィス · Third Ward · 8個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: POLITICO will be taking over Packard Place during the DNC. Fun Fact: The longest Democratic convention was in 1924 in New York, when John W. Davis was nominated after 17 days & 103 ballots. #DNC2012 続きを読む

7. CNN Grill @ DNC (Vida Cantina)

210 E Trade St (at College St), シャーロット, NC
ダイナー · Uptown · 9個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: The first Democratic National Convention televised coast-to-coast was held in 1952. #DNC2012

8. バンク・オブ・アメリカ・スタジアム

(Bank of America Stadium)
800 S Mint St, シャーロット, NC
フットボール競技場 · Third Ward · 178個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Obama’s acceptance speech at the 2008 convention was on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Have A Dream’ speech. After winning, Obama was TIME's Person of the Year in 2008. #DNC2012 続きを読む

Queen City Quarter is one of Time.

9. Queen City Quarter

210 E Trade St (at S College St), シャーロット, NC
ショッピングモール · Uptown · 34個のヒントとレビュー

10. Democratic National Convention Committee

400 S Tryon, シャーロット, NC
オフィス · Third Ward · 4個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: "The right to be different" added to Democratic Party platform in 1972 means to "maintain a cultural or ethnic heritage or lifestyle, without being forced into a compelled homogeneity.” #DNC2012

11. Spectrum Center

333 E Trade St (at S Brevard St), シャーロット, NC
バスケットボールスタジアム · First Ward · 138個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: In 2004, a little-known Illinois state senator named Barack Obama gained national prominence by delivering the keynote address for the Democratic National Convention in Boston. #DNC2012

12. Flex + Fit

550 S Tryon St, シャーロット, NC
ヨガスタジオ · Third Ward · 6個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: The Huffington Post takes over Flex & Fit during the DNC offering a place for attendees to ‘unplug and recharge their minds and bodies’ during the conventions. #DNC2012

14. Charlotte Convention Center

501 S College St (501 S College St, Charlotte, NC), シャーロット, NC
コンベンションセンター · Uptown · 49個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: The Democratic National Convention was held twice in 1860. First in Charleston, SC, it adjourned in May and reconvened in June in Baltimore, MD. #DNC2012

15. NASCAR Hall of Fame

400 E Martin Luther King Blvd, シャーロット, NC
博物館 · Uptown · 82個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Connected to the convention center via a walkway, the hall of fame is highly hands on, with more than 50 interactive experiences including race simulators, tire-changing station & more.” #DNC2012

16. Amos' Southend

1423 S Tryon St (at Winona St), シャーロット, NC
音楽関係 · South End · 41個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: The Roots will headline StartUp RockOn's event series during the DNC here. StartUp RockOn aims to highlight America’s start up community during this year's political conventions. #DNC2012 続きを読む

18. CNN Grill @ RNC (Tampa Bay Times Forum)

303 Channel Side Dr, タンパ, FL
ダイナー · Downtown Tampa · 8個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: “The first televised Republican National Convention was in 1940.” #GOP2012

19. The Tampa Club

101 E Kennedy Blvd, タンパ, FL
芸術とエンターテイメント · Downtown Tampa · 17個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: 50,000 visitors are expected to come visit the Tampa Bay area during this year’s Republican National Convention. #GOP2012

20. Channelside Bay Plaza

615 Channelside Dr, タンパ, FL
広場 · Channel District · 22個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: MSNBC’s prime time programming will happen here during the Republican National Convention. Approximately 15,000 accredited media members will be attending this year’s convention. #GOP2012

21. Aja Channelside

290 S Meridian Ave, タンパ, FL
ナイトクラブ · Downtown Tampa · 17個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: The Huffington Post takes over The Aja Channelside during the RNC as a place for attendees to ‘unplug and recharge their minds and bodies.' #GOP2012 続きを読む

22. Yuengling Center

4202 E Fowler Ave (on Bull Run Dr.), タンパ, FL
大学のバスケットボール場 · New Tampa · 41個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Ron Paul, who was on the 2012 TIME 100 list, plans to hold his "We Are The Future" rally on Aug. 26 during the Republican National Convention. #GOP2012 続きを読む

23. Embassy Suites by Hilton

555 N West Shore Blvd, タンパ, FL
ホテル · 39個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: This is one of the hotels for RNC Arizona delegates. Barry Goldwater of Arizona was nominated for President at the 1964 Republican National Convention at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. #GOP2012

24. Mainsail Suites Hotel & Conference Center

5108 Eisenhower Blvd, タンパ, FL
ホテル · 17個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: This is one of the hotels for RNC Ohio delegates. Ohio natives who won Republican presidential nominations include Hayes (1876), Garfield (1880), McKinley (1896) and Harding (1920). #GOP2012

25. Channelside Cinemas 10

601 Channelside Dr., タンパ, FL
映画館 · Channel District · 24個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Troublemaker Fest, a five-day event in Tampa happening alongside the RNC, will feature a Tea Party vs. Occupy Movement debate hosted by Christine O’Donnell at the Channelside Cinemas.

The Cuban Club is one of Time.

26. The Cuban Club

2010 N Avenida Republica de Cuba, タンパ, FL
芸術とエンターテイメント · Historic Ybor · 7個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Marco Rubio will be here on Monday night during the RNC for the event, "Nuestra Noche: Midnight in Ybor." Rubio was featured on TIME’s cover titled, “Party Crashers” back in 2010. #GOP2012 続きを読む

27. Amphitheatre

1609 E 7th Ave, タンパ, FL
ナイトクラブ · Historic Ybor · 16個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Rock The Vote & Start Up Rock On bring Steve Aoki to perform in Tampa. In 2004, Adam Sandler performed at the Republican National Convention at Madison Square Garden. #GOP2012

28. TPC Tampa Bay

5300 W Lutz Lake Fern Rd, Lutz, FL
ゴルフコース · 11個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Practice your golf swing at “Birdies for the Brave” an RNC convention golf event being co-chaired by House Speaker John Boehner and Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, among others. #GOP2012

29. Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino

5223 Orient Rd (at Hillsborough Ave.), タンパ, FL
ホテル · 187個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Nat King Cole, the renowned jazz pianist and singer, addressed the 1956 Republican National Convention in San Francisco. #GOP2012

30. Diamond Crown Cigar Lounge

401 Channelside Dr, タンパ, FL
スポーツバー · Downtown Tampa · 4個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Richard M. Nixon, who often enjoyed cigar puffing with other world leaders, was virtually unopposed for the Republican nomination in 1960. #GOP2012

31. Tampa Bay Downs

11225 Race Track Rd, タンパ, FL
レース場 · 27個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: During this year’s Republican National Convention, 50,000 people are expected to visit the Tampa Bay area. #GOP2012

32. Rivergate Tower

400 N Ashley Dr, タンパ, FL
オフィス · 2個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: POLITICO will be taking over The Rivergate Tower during the RNC. Fun Fact: The manifesto adopted at the 2004 Republican Convention was the longest in the party’s history with 48,000 words. #GOP2012 続きを読む

33. Carne Chophouse

1536 E 7th Ave (N 16th St), タンパ, FL
ステーキハウス · Historic Ybor · 50個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: National Journal and The Atlantic are setting up their Republican National Convention headquarters here to host panels, parties and briefings. #GOP2012

34. Museum of Fine Arts

255 Beach Dr NE (bt 3rd & 2nd Avs NE), Saint Petersburg, FL
美術館 · North Downtown · 24個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: The Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg offers a legendary permanent collection, fascinating traveling exhibits, and exciting events to immerse yourself in the world of art.

35. St. Petersburg Pier

800 2nd Ave NE, Saint Petersburg, FL
埠頭 · 46個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Shop, sightsee, or simply stroll across the pier at one of the area’s favorite locations and an icon of the downtown St. Petersburg waterfront.

36. Sunken Gardens

1825 4th St N, Saint Petersburg, FL
庭園 · Historic Old Northeast · 38個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Cascading waterfalls, stunning vistas, a wedding garden and over 50,000 tropical plants and flowers welcome visitors, who can enjoy wandering paths, yoga, hoop dancing and butterfly encounters.

37. Clearwater Beach, FL

Clearwater Beach, FL
地域 · 18個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Sit back and relax on 3 miles of sugar white sand and sparkling waters -- enjoy marinas, nightlife, restaurants, and accommodations ranging from high-end resorts to old-fashioned mom-and-pop motels.

38. Ceviche Tapas Bar and Restaurant

10 Beach Dr NE (at Central Ave), Saint Petersburg, FL
タパスレストラン · North Downtown · 103個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: A local favorite, this unique Spanish Tapas Restaurant was voted 'Top Twenty New Restaurants in Florida' by Florida Trend Magazine.

39. SS American Victory Mariners Memorial & Museum Ship

705 Channelside Dr, タンパ, FL
モニュメント · Channel District · 10個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: As one of only four fully operational WWII ships in the country, the American Victory Ship in Tampa is a national treasure and true American icon.

40. The Dalí Museum

1 Dali Blvd (at Bayshore Dr & 5th Av SE), Saint Petersburg, FL
美術館 · University Park - South Downtown · 209個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: This museum houses the world's most comprehensive collection of the renowned Spanish artist's work, with a permanent collection of 96 oil paintings spanning the years from 1917 to 1970.

41. Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo

1101 W Sligh Ave (at North Blvd), タンパ, FL
動物園 · 117個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Re-opened at its current site in 1988, Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo boats 1,614 animals on 56 acres, and in 2009 Parents Magazine ranked it the number one zoo in the U.S.

42. Splitsville Southern & Social

615 Channelside Dr #120 (at Channelside Bay Plaza), タンパ, FL
ボウリング場 · Channel District · 35個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: This Tampa bowling alley is more than just your average bowling alley. Splitsville, the “upscale entertainment concept," features 12 bowling lanes alongside luxurious bars and a restaurant.

43. Carowinds

14523 Carowinds Blvd, シャーロット, NC
遊園地 · 139個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Charlotte averages in the 80s in early September, so catch a breeze on the Intimidator, the tallest, fastest, and longest coaster in the Southeast!

44. Fourth Ward

シャーロット, NC
地域 · 2個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Take a horse-drawn carriage tour through the Fourth Ward or Northwest Quadrant of Charlotte’s Uptown area.

45. Blumenthal Performing Arts Center

130 N Tryon St (at 5th St), シャーロット, NC
舞台芸術 · First Ward · 29個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: From September 3-6, there will be multiple political events going on at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center.

46. Billy Graham Library

4330 Westmont Dr, シャーロット, NC
博物館 · 37個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Tour the restored home Billy Graham lived in from age 9 until he left for college, Ruth Bell Graham’s burial site, and learn the journey of the Grahams’ faith. Closed on Sunday, free admission.

47. U.S. National Whitewater Center

5000 Whitewater Center Pkwy, シャーロット, NC
ラフティングスポット · 120個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: USNWC is billed as the “world’s premier outdoor adventure and environmental education center.” Home to the world’s largest man-made recirculating river, it features rapids, hiking and biking trails.

48. Wing Haven Gardens & Bird Sanctuary

248 Ridgewood Ave, シャーロット, NC
庭園 · Myers Park · 2個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: A far different world from the bustling downtown, their mission is “cultivating sanctuary in nature, environmental stewardship and the legacy of southern horticulture.”

49. The Spa at Ballantyne

10000 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy, シャーロット, NC
スパ · Ballantyne East · 5個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: The Bellantyne features a host of award-winning services at their full-service spa, from massages to beauty treatments.

50. NoDa Historic Arts District

シャーロット, NC
地域 · 27個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Referred to as Soho’s little sister, Charlotte’s historic arts district is a gem. Something for everyone, NoDa is home to art galleries, funky restaurants, local musicians, and even a bar for dogs.

51. Carolinas Aviation Museum

4672 First Flight Dr (at Charlotte/Douglas Inernational), シャーロット, NC
博物館 · 18個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: The museum has been collecting and restoring vintage historical aircraft for more than 20 years, and is the largest aviation museum between Washington, D.C., and Robbins, Ga.

52. The Mint Museum

2730 Randolph Rd (at Museum Plz), シャーロット, NC
美術館 · Eastover · 15個のヒントとレビュー

TIMETIME: Art enthusiasts, enjoy The Mint Museum's collections of objects in ceramics, glass, fiber, metal and wood.