"Our favorite main course is the meyveli kavurma, which arrives sizzling hot in a wide copper pan. Ilahe balances the intense, fatty and savory meat with punchy sour cherries, green onion and cinnamon."
"For vegetarians, the jiló do Claude consists of thin slices of the vegetable brushed with a tangy balsamic dressing, to which pink peppercorns, honey and a side of goat cheese are added."
"Heaping platters of polvo grelhado (grilled squid), arroz com brócolis (rice with broccoli), and risottos. One plate can easily feed 3 for lunch."
"Our top beer choices are Colorado’s Vixnu, a flavorful IPA heavy on the hops (lúpulo) and, for a novelty Brazilian option, the Göttlich Duvival, brewed with guaraná, the powerful red Amazonian berry."
"Try Velhas Virgins, an extra-light witbier from São Paulo, with Gracioso’s top-notch bolinhos. The croquete gracioso is like a bolinho but made of corn and is filled with white cheese and shrimp."
"Try dishes like the white fish surubim from Pará state, the border area between Brazil’s north and Amazon region, and the very popular namorado (boyfriend), which comes from tropical saltwater regions"