Tips for Los Angeles
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) is one of Tips for Los Angeles.

1. Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)

5905 Wilshire Blvd (at S Ogden Dr), ロサンゼルス, CA
美術館 · Mid-City West · 444個のヒントとレビュー

Boris 🌐 v.Boris 🌐 van Hoytema: Huge! Awesome collection and great temporary exhibitions. Also check out the architecture on the Japanese art pavilion all the way in the back.

2. Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea

1331 Abbot Kinney Blvd (at Andalusia Ave), Venice, CA
コーヒーショップ · 414個のヒントとレビュー

Boris 🌐 v.Boris 🌐 van Hoytema: Extremely hipster (staff wears fedora's) but insanely good coffee.

3. Cecconi's West Hollywood

8764 Melrose Ave (at N Robertson Blvd), ロサンゼルス, CA
イタリア料理店 · 190個のヒントとレビュー

Boris 🌐 v.Boris 🌐 van Hoytema: Lunch here, reasonally priced, good quality

4. Museum of Jurassic Technology

9341 Venice Blvd (at Bagley Ave), カルバーシティ, CA
博物館 · 58個のヒントとレビュー

Boris 🌐 v.Boris 🌐 van Hoytema: Get to learn a bit more about what things are. Awesome place!

グリフィス天文台 is one of Tips for Los Angeles.

5. グリフィス天文台

(Griffith Observatory)
2800 E Observatory Ave, ロサンゼルス, CA
天文台 · 644個のヒントとレビュー

Boris 🌐 v.Boris 🌐 van Hoytema: Take a look at LA, go on a clear day.

The Grove is one of Tips for Los Angeles.

6. The Grove

189 The Grove Dr (at W 3rd St), ロサンゼルス, CA
ショッピングモール · Mid-City West · 664個のヒントとレビュー

Boris 🌐 v.Boris 🌐 van Hoytema: Like Disneyland for buying things, except Disneyland is also for buying things.