Matthew Lopez: The cross marks Mt Nebo Cemetery the Top of the Mountain. The story behind the cross, is the person who created the cemetery had the cross built so his wife in E Denver could see where he was buried.
Matthew Lopez: Hospital for Behavioral Health. Sit on the grounds of a WWI/WWII Army Fort. President Eisenhower was stationed at the fort when it was still active.
Matthew Lopez: This is just up the road from Swedish Hospital. Some think the bypass around the hospital is Hampden, but it's not. That's Jefferson Blvd. This place is one block north of Jefferson Blvd.
Matthew Lopez: Great Urban Park. It sits on the site of what was the old Denver City Cemetery. They say it's haunted. Nevertheless, playground, running and walking path.
Matthew Lopez: Historic Softball Park in the middle of the city. I remember going to watch my uncles play there. If dicey neighborhoods make you nervous, this isn't the place to stop.
355 S Wadsworth Blvd (Alameda & Wadsworth), レイクウッド, CO
メキシコ料理店 · Belmar Park · 14個のヒントとレビュー
Matthew Lopez: This location is in Lakewood City Commons. It is basically the shop on the corner of Alameda and Wadsworth. You'll need to enter mid-block and drive back to the corner building.