California and the "I grew up here" list.
City of Walnut Creek is one of California and the "I grew up here" list..

1. City of Walnut Creek

· 24個のヒントとレビュー
Lettuce is one of California and the "I grew up here" list..

2. Lettuce

1632 Locust St (at Civic Dr), ウォールナットクリーク, CA
サラダ料理店 · Downtown Walnut Creek · 30個のヒントとレビュー
Mount Diablo High School is one of California and the "I grew up here" list..

3. Mount Diablo High School

2450 Grant St, コンコード, CA
高校 · 5個のヒントとレビュー
Mount Diablo High School is one of California and the "I grew up here" list..

4. Mount Diablo High School

2450 Grant St, コンコード, CA
高校 · 5個のヒントとレビュー

Stress A.Stress Assassin: Back in the 80's, this place had a snack called "cheese zombies." That were the coolest breakfast ever. Tip* if you brought bacon/sausage from home, you had the best breakfast ever.

All About Tranquility is one of California and the "I grew up here" list..

5. All About Tranquility

Cloverdale, CA
デザインスタジオ · 1件の Tip
Heather Farm Park is one of California and the "I grew up here" list..

6. Heather Farm Park

301 N San Carlos Dr (at Ygnacio Valley Rd), ウォールナットクリーク, CA
公園 · 27個のヒントとレビュー
Todos Santos Plaza is one of California and the "I grew up here" list..

7. Todos Santos Plaza

2151 Salvio St (at Willow Pass Rd), コンコード, CA
広場 · Downtown Concord · 23個のヒントとレビュー
In-N-Out Burger is one of California and the "I grew up here" list..

8. In-N-Out Burger

570 Contra Costa Blvd, Pleasant Hill, CA
ファーストフード店 · 52個のヒントとレビュー
Legion of Honor is one of California and the "I grew up here" list..

9. Legion of Honor

100 34th Ave, サンフランシスコ, CA
美術館 · 114個のヒントとレビュー
Sunvalley Shopping Center is one of California and the "I grew up here" list..

10. Sunvalley Shopping Center

1 Sun Valley Mall (at Contra Costa Blvd), コンコード, CA
ショッピングモール · 33個のヒントとレビュー
Fuddruckers is one of California and the "I grew up here" list..

11. Fuddruckers

1975 Diamond Blvd. E260 (in The Willows Shopping Center), コンコード, CA
ハンバーガーレストラン · 19個のヒントとレビュー
Sunvalley Shopping Center is one of California and the "I grew up here" list..

12. Sunvalley Shopping Center

1 Sun Valley Mall (at Contra Costa Blvd), コンコード, CA
ショッピングモール · 33個のヒントとレビュー

Stress A.Stress Assassin: Back in '85-86 sometime...I was here hanging out as a teenager like you kids, but a freaking airplane crashed into the "now" found sitting area in the middle. That was some crazy stuff yo.