When you are looking for a place to warm up or just enjoy the sights when literally hell freezes over outside.
1. Przegryź
Bence Szegvári: Lovely little place with two levels. They offer a wide variety of food and drinks. Also have menu for dogs :)
3. Pub Lolek
Bence Szegvári: Get a Hot Beer or Hot Wine with grilled sausage or cheese after a walk in Pole Mokotowskie
4. Między wódką a zakąską
Bence Szegvári: Low on budget? Warm yourself up with cheap vodka and boiled sausages in a bar where you feel like a real local polish.
5. Przechyły Tawerna Żeglarska
Bence Szegvári: Sailor bar with live music almost every day. They have their special beer, but be careful it is tough!
6. A Nóż
7. Południk Zero
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