Bego: Clean, nice, next to a beach under some pine trees picnic area. 20TL per table. Temiz, nezih, plaj yani ve cam agiclarinin alti piknik yeri. Her masa 20TL
Bego: Chicken dolma is like schnitzel. There is no sauce inside. Salads was old. Tavuk dolma shinitzel gibi, icinde hic sos yoktu. Salatalar biraz eskiydi. Fakat Lefkosa'da yemek yiyebileceginiz bir yer.
Barbaros Mahallesi Binboğa Sokak No:1, チャナッカレ, チャナッカレ県
ホテル · 10個のヒントとレビュー
Bego: 2014's the best local hotel by 9.1 points from Great view, rooms are cosy. Breakfast is good. Only the problem is a little far from town centre.
Bego: Sehitlikleri temiz tutmayi bir turlu beceremiyoruz. Camlar kirilmis. Insanlar abideye ulasmak icin tozlar icinde yuruyor. Uzucu bir durum. Biraz saygi...
Bego: There are 2 ferry lines. One goes to Kilitbahir other goes to Eceabat. Distance between these two towns not so far. Dont worry if you take wrong ferry...
Bego: It doesnt deserve 6.9 points. It is at a central location, Doner kebaps are little oily but taste is good. Merkezi bir yerde, donerler yagli biraz ama lezzeti guzel. 6.9dan yuksek olmaliydi puani
Bego: Traditional Cheese Halva. White is single roasted, brown is double roasted. There is no any other difference. No taste of Arabic Gum (Mastika). I think one portion is enough for two people.