Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット
Spartan Gyros is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

1. Spartan Gyros

6309 N 76th St, ミルウォーキー, WI
ギリシャ料理店 · 13個のヒントとレビュー
Jake's Deli is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

2. Jake's Deli

1634 W North Ave (17th St), ミルウォーキー, WI
デリ · 25個のヒントとレビュー
Landmark Lanes is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

3. Landmark Lanes

2220 N Farwell Ave (at E North Ave), ミルウォーキー, WI
ボウリング場 · Lower East Side · 38個のヒントとレビュー
The Pub Club is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

4. The Pub Club

1103 N Old World 3rd St, ミルウォーキー, WI
パブ · Kilbourn Town · 6個のヒントとレビュー
Jack Straw's Pizza, Burgers, Wings & Catering is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

5. Jack Straw's Pizza, Burgers, Wings & Catering

221 S Naperville Rd (at Willow Ave.), Wheaton, IL
ピッツェリア · 24個のヒントとレビュー
Clippers Hair Salon is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

6. Clippers Hair Salon

S Adams St, タラハシー, FL
美容院 · 8個のヒントとレビュー

Sir Charles I.Sir Charles II: Get a razor line and mustache trim.

Weston Park War Memorial is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

7. Weston Park War Memorial

Weston Park (Weston Bank), Sheffield
追悼・記念施設 · 1件の Tip

RobboRobbo: Pay your Respects. You may Not have been here if it wasn't for these and many other Men & Women. #Respect!

Sheffield FC is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

8. Sheffield FC

Sheffield Rd, Dronfield, ダービーシャー
競技場 · 5個のヒントとレビュー

GazGaz: Once again, the Oldest football (soccer) club in the World. Shame they're not as Big as they should be. My tip is inject money all who can!!

Ed's Easy Diner is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

9. Ed's Easy Diner

Meadowhall Shopping Centre (Unit 66, The Oasis), Sheffield
ダイナー · 12個のヒントとレビュー

RobboRobbo: Great Food, Great Service. Really Recommend the Smokey Joe Burger and coleslaw is Amazing too. Avoid other tips on here, they obviously have No taste Buds and Bad eyesight.

Ballifield Fry is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

10. Ballifield Fry

Ballifield Drive (Handsworth), シェフィールド, Sheffield
フィッシュ&チップス店 · Woodhouse · 1件の Tip

RobboRobbo: Very Nice Chippy indeed. Chips are Amazing, all it needs is my Magic touch. #HighlyRecommend

Subway is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

11. Subway

Orchard Square Shopping Centre, Shop Unit 21, South Yorkshire, Sheffield
サンドイッチ店 · Central Sheffield · 2個のヒントとレビュー

RobboRobbo: We all come into Subway to get away from Paul C. Nothing worse than a moaner at Lunch time. Crack on with your independent sarnie shops and stop interfering!!

Stadium of Light is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

12. Stadium of Light

Millennium Way, Sunderland
サッカースタジアム · 35個のヒントとレビュー
Thorneycroft Solicitors is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

13. Thorneycroft Solicitors

Bridge street mills (Bridge street), Macclesfield, Cheshire
オフィス · Tipまたはレビューなし

RobboRobbo: Make sure you only have one solicitor working on your behalf. I've had 3 maybe 4 work on mine and its now gone Tits up........... Too many solicitors, spoil the case. Think that's how the saying goes.

Sheffield Window Centre is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

14. Sheffield Window Centre

Broad Lane, シェフィールド, Sheffield
金物屋 · Central Sheffield · 1件の Tip

RobboRobbo: On entering this store, everything becomes Clear. But I found that they really couldn't Glaze over the fact that it all seems a little Transparent. Obviously I saw through this straight away.

The Trawl is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

15. The Trawl

5-7 Cliff St, Bridlington, イースト・ライディング・オブ・ヨークシャー
フィッシュ&チップス店 · 2個のヒントとレビュー

GazGaz: By far the Best Fish & Chips up North. Probably Nationwide, I rate it that highly. Value for money is also amazing with Cod & Chips only Costing £4.30..... If you're in Brid make sure you come here.

Starbucks is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

16. Starbucks

295 Western Bank, シェフィールド, Sheffield
コーヒーショップ · 6個のヒントとレビュー

GazGaz: Remember that just because there are 99% students in here that it doesn't necessarily mean that you're one. I made this mistake and ended up in Uni, with a Huge loan, Bad dress sense & Always Drunk!!

Central Library is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

17. Central Library

Surrey St, シェフィールド, Sheffield
図書館 · Central Sheffield · 3個のヒントとレビュー

GazGaz: Great place if you Like reading and being Very very Quiet........ On the Flip side, a Great place if you Hate reading, Like making Noise and Love getting thrown out of places..... Enjoy it either way.

Liberty's Icecream is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

18. Liberty's Icecream

Meadowhall, Sheffield
餃子レストラン · Tipまたはレビューなし

GazGaz: Any icecream is Good............... Right????

Weight Watchers is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

19. Weight Watchers

Holmhirst Rd (Woodseats), シェフィールド, Sheffield
減量センター · Tipまたはレビューなし

GazGaz: When coming here, shed the unwanted pounds. Try going commando. The type of Commando that goes into Battle having left his clothes at home. Wish I'd done this, might not have gained a pound, then.

McDonald's is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

20. McDonald's

Archer Rd. (Millhouses), シェフィールド, Sheffield
ファーストフード店 · Nether Edge · 2個のヒントとレビュー

GazGaz: This 1 should be named after the Class of Staff here, with their Tenacity to Failure, their Impeccable lack of understanding and their Resistance towards the Formidable Question "Could I have No Mayo"

Royal Hallamshire Hospital is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

21. Royal Hallamshire Hospital

Glossop Rd., Sheffield
病院 · 11個のヒントとレビュー

GazGaz: Great Hospital, real shame that the mayor is a little Ignorant..... Yes, that was a Friend Request 6 months ago..... Am i Not good enough!?!? Why Not Rip my Heart out and stand on it while your at it!

Express Pantry is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

22. Express Pantry

8530 W Greenfield Ave, West Allis, WI
デリ · 1件の Tip
スタッド・ド・フランス is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

24. スタッド・ド・フランス

(Stade de France)
Rue Francis de Pressensé, Saint-Denis, Île-de-France
競技場 · 92個のヒントとレビュー

NYBNYB: French rugby union TOP 14 FINAL 2013 - Partnered by Orange - on Saturday, June 1, 2013 in Paris (21:00 CEST) - - (20:00 BST) - - (15:00 / 3pm EDT)

Redbox is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

25. Redbox

9100 W Beloit Rd, ミルウォーキー, WI
ビデオ店 · Euclid Park · 2個のヒントとレビュー

Ashley R.Ashley R: Use promo code "breakroom" or "dvdonus" for a free movie!

Walmart Supercenter is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

26. Walmart Supercenter

10600 W Layton Ave, Greenfield, WI
大型店 · 26個のヒントとレビュー

Aaron R.Aaron Ramsdell: Everyone including staff is oblivous to their surroundings. Just walking from one place in the store to another you get cut off by staff and people who just dont care. Frustrating.

Miss Queenie Karis Living Quarters Private is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

27. Miss Queenie Karis Living Quarters Private

ミルウォーキー, WI
自宅 (個人) · 4個のヒントとレビュー
La Quinta Inn & Suites Fort Worth NE Mall is one of Sir Charlesさんの保存済みスポット.

28. La Quinta Inn & Suites Fort Worth NE Mall

653 North East Loop 820, Hurst, TX
ホテル · 4個のヒントとレビュー